After Beyoncé, the “paradoxical” Aya Nakamura studied for the premiere at the university

Parfois aclamée, parfois méprisée, Aya Nakamura releases passion. Criticism, undoubtedly for the popular conversation, vulgar youth, “Female Woman” is invited to the opening ceremony of JO 2024 in Paris, on the Côte de la Guardia de la République. Even more attacks on the subject did not happen, the son of success is undeniable: Franco-Malienne of 29 years old and the accomplished party of French-speaking artists les plus écoutés au monde: elle cumule ainsi quasiment 10 million d’écoutes par mois sur Spotify.

C’est pourquoi son cas a particulièrement fascinané des chercheurs of the University of Rennes, he decided to dedicate the colloque à l’artiste mercredi. It was called “Aya Nakamura – Minority and Majority”, on the site of the Viljan campus, in the north-west of de la Ville. “Colleagues, I know that this is really interesting to study. Nous voulions aborder le paradoxe entre le fait qu’elle soit in tête des sales de Discques en France et qu’en même temps elle vienne d’une racial minority et d’une culture pas toujours bien vue (A young woman is located near Bamako and a wonderful girl in Aulnay-sous-Bois.) “, I explained to France 3 Brittany Emmanuel Parent, presenter of the conference on contemporary music in Rennes 2. There are a total of 8 anime participants at this conference, not experts from Quebec.

“The Shape of Modernity”

If she was outside the controversy, then this is also part of the fact that Aya Nakamura does not think about the symbols of French history: “Le clip de Pookie avait été Tourné au Château de Fontainebleau,” rapper Emmanuel Parent. “It is embodied in a modern form in this place. “France” is a religious connection with chanson and the French language. The issue of language is one of the arguments in favor of discrimination. More la langue évolue. And Moliere’s language is not a cell that understands television.

Video“You may be a racist, but you will hear”: Aya Nakamura responds to attacks from ultra-drots

A sign of the great scouting of artists of Afro-descendants in the highest French institutions, the American singer Beyoncé is a school student at the École Normale Supérieure of Paris. In 2022 and 2023 he will be at the center of large conferences dedicated to the concept of “icon”.

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