BlackRock strengthens its position in Ibex after acquiring GIP and reaches record holdings in Iberdrola, Santander and BBVA | Financial markets

The BlackRock fund strengthened its position as a major shareholder in many Ibex 35 companies after purchasing Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), as GIP was also a shareholder in many Spanish listed companies. The fund increased its exposure to companies such as Iberdrola, Santander and BBVA to its highest level since reporting began. Naturgy has an indirect stake of over 20%, making it the energy company’s second-largest shareholder.

In the case of BBVA, the fund’s share of participation reached 6.8%. Indirectly, he holds 6.68% and to this is added buy options for another 0.12%. In the case of Banco Santander, BlackRock reached 6.875% of the capital, compared to 5.426% previously. 6.786% is indirect participation, and another 0.089% through financial instruments.

Total participation also increased at Bankinter, where the fund manager reached 4.231% this Friday from 4.097% previously. In the case of Banco Sabadell, the adjustment was minimal: BlackRock retains a stake of 6.624%, of which it controls 6.439% indirectly, and to this is added options to purchase another 0.186%. The manager has adjusted this figure since the BBVA takeover bid was announced, although it peaked at 6.75% in June.

As a result of the reorganization, BlackRock also repositioned itself in the energy sector. In the case of Naturgy, CNMV said that once the acquisition is completed, the American fund will become the energy company’s second-largest shareholder, indirectly owning 20.9% of the capital. With 26.7% of direct capital, Criterion is the largest shareholder. According to reports, CVC holds 20.715% stake in the energy company, while IFM holds 16.023%.

He also increased his stake in Redeia to 5.026% of the capital; Repsol, which rose to 6.2%, or Solaria, which rose to 3.328%. In the case of Iberdrola, it reached 6.619%, the highest since the records began in the CNMV.

For its part, the fund reduced its exposure by 0.12% in Telefonica to 4.247% and by 0.32% in Grifols, consolidating its current position at 4.377%.

BlackRock now indirectly owns a stake of 240.8 million shares in the company led by Jose Maria Alvarez-Pallet and more than 18.6 million shares in the Catalan blood products company.

The firm also notified that it had increased its stake in Aena from 3.071% to 3.794%, marking a new high in the airport operator, with a total of 5.6 million shares (5,691,000) worth more than €1,127 million. at the current market price.

In the tourism sector, its presence in Amadeus reached 5.510% from the previous 5.447%, reaching a package of more than 24.8 million items valued at 160.6 million euros.

In Ibex’s infrastructure companies, the purchase of GIP also allowed it to increase its stake in Acciona by about 4 tenths, to 3.69% indirectly, remaining the second largest shareholder after the Entrecanales family (29%). In contrast, in ACS it reduced it slightly to 5.85% due to the execution of financial instruments, although it continues to be the third largest shareholder after Florentino Perez (13%) and Criteria (9%).

In the real estate sector in Colonial socimi, the fund increased its exposure to 3.56%, sharing shares with several funds, while in another listed Ibex 35 socimi, Merlin, former GIP shares contributed almost a tenth more to BlackRock, reaching 5.64 % and maintaining third place in terms of shareholding after Santander (22.3%) and Manuel Lao (6.3%).

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