Why watch a movie with Jessica Chastain

355, A 100% female-led tech thriller starring Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz and Diane Kruger, released in 2022 and premiering Tuesday, September 24 on W9. Film à (re)voir pour son explosive casting.

Film Why watch a movie with Jessica Chastain
Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz, Lupita Nyong’o and Diane Kruger in the film 355 (2022).

Announced to great fanfare at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival with the full cast unveiled on the Croisette, the 100% female-led thriller. 355 It will be a long time before the cinema opens in January 2022. Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Dark Phoenix), a film that attracted a prestigious casting – Diane Kruger, Penelope Cruz in Psychology from Columbia, Jessica Chastain (which specializes in action movie plus-ones), Fan Bingbing, Lupita Nyong’o in an MI6 agent.

355explosive film starring Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz and Diane Kruger.

I filmed it 355 met on the scene with five female spies who were trying to destroy technological weapons among the people who maliciously did not take refuge in the Triple World War. CIA agent interpretation Jessica Chastain Hire four comparative editions of four planet coins to organize a counterattack of a massive attack on the French capital.

Tell us in detail about the film tour in Paris, Morocco and London? “A technology unit capable of controlling computer resources between host computers. Peace restoration agencies send weapons destruction agents to Paris. Our Mission: Strengthen terrorist or government organizations to ease global conflict. Les spionnes vont devoir choisir Entre Se Fighttre ou S’Allier Contre une Mondiale aux Funestes Desseins…”

Film Film
Lupita Nyong’o and Diane Kruger in the film 355 (2022).

Fights in new and evening clothes

Online battles, watering courses, shootouts, glamorous evening dresses and sparkling jewelry… 355 Focuses on five women who make their voices evolve in an atmosphere that reveals the power of the movie girl. Ocean’s 8 (2018) on stage Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway and Rihanna. Also sagas James Bond etc. mission impossible. Sexy and energetic images that do not cause envy of women’s long-term actions, those that Volevsyon Netflix.

355 (2022) by Simon Kinberg, published on W9 September 24, 2024

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