Nicolas Maduro’s early Christmas in Venezuela tastes like ham and oil

A week later, a series of false pine trees began to twinkle across the streets CaracasNicolas Maduro strongly defends it, after several blackouts due to electrical failures Christmas celebration in October“In Miami, Colombia and Spain they speculate: Why did Maduro postpone Christmas? This isn’t the first time, idiots.We have done it before also. We took it forward and we are happy.” Maduro repeated the challenge during his television program on Monday night. Episcopal Conference of Venezuela. The bishopric recalled the universal nature of the celebrations and said that “the manner and time of their celebration are the responsibility of Church authority.” But the President defended his power and traditionalism Leg (pork ham stew), chicken saladHe ham bread and this HallakaasThe popular corn pie, filled with meat or fish, arrives on the table about three months in advance for those who can afford it. “We bring forward Christmas because it is the most beautiful vaccine ever to eliminate the evil energies of demons and demons who want to fill Venezuela with violence and uncertainty, hatred and intolerance.” The Miraflores Palace not only celebrates the controversial presidential election, but also low inflation In the last quarter of a century, foreign investmentespecially in oil fieldsand an increase of 4.2% in 2024. In his opinion, Venezuela is “Favorable economic environment” Despite the fact that he “tried to explode” the country.

(tags to translate)christmas

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