eight signs that should worry you

high cortisol signals

Stress at work increases cortisol levels. PHOTO: Scene from the movie “The Devil Wears Prada.”

Hormonal health

Cortisol is essential for the body to function properly, but levels that are too high threaten your physical and mental well-being.

Sarah Flamenco

October 9, 2024 / 08:32

Cortisol, known as a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands located above the kidneys, is found in almost all tissues of the body. Usually called stress hormoneCortisol gets a very bad rap, but the truth is… we couldn’t live without it. Cortisol allows the body to regulate a large number of processes in our body, from metabolism to sleep, immune function and inflammation. Its most famous function is prepare the body to react to a threat.

Yes, cortisol secretion is good and necessary, but problems begin when cortisol levels become unbalanced. It is in these cases that the physical and emotional well-being of the individual is at risk. you can have lack of cortisolwhich, among other symptoms, can cause severe fatigue and loss of appetite. But what usually worries the population is an excess of this hormone. “Chronic stressand therefore, elevated cortisol levels can impair cognitive function, memory, and mood. They can also increase the risk of anxiety and depression”says neuroscientist and psychiatrist Tara Swart. For this reason, this doctor collected eight warning signs which show that cortisol levels are off the charts:

1. Weight gain

Excess cortisol can cause more fat to accumulate in certain areas of the body, such as the face, stomach, and upper back. And this hormone influences the accumulation of visceral fatwhich surrounds the internal organs and is the most dangerous. We are not just talking about an aesthetic problem, because abdominal and visceral fat is a problem. associated with increased risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In addition, according to Dr. Charlotte HodgesChief of Surgery at White Rock Medical Center, “cortisol may have some effect on how the body retains weightproduces insulin and what foods we crave.

2. Sleep problems

Cortisol is responsible for stabilizing circadian rhythms. regulation of sleep-wake cycles. But when cortisol levels are too high, especially at night, this natural cycle can be disrupted. harder to fall asleep. It doesn’t stop there: excess cortisol can also impair sleep by preventing you from getting into sleep. deepest stages of sleepwhich can lead to fatigue during the day because you won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep. Of course, this is not the only factor, as is well explained Jana Fernandez, author of Learn to Relax: “Blaming cortisol for poor sleep is unfair. If there is no pathology in which cortisol levels are insufficient, we are to blame.”

3. Hypertension

Excess cortisol over a long period of time can cause blood pressure rises on an ongoing basis, contributing to the development of hypertension. This is because cortisol increases sodium retention and water in the kidneys, which increases blood volume and therefore blood pressure.

Excess cortisol negatively affects the health of the body. PHOTO: Engin Akyurt on Pexels

4. High blood sugar

Cortisol stimulates the production of glucose in the liver and may also increase blood sugar levels. This happens because the body may interpret stress as a signal that it needs extra energy to avoid a threat. releases glucose to provide it. When this situation becomes chronic, excess glucose can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

5. Acne breakouts

Cortisol stimulates the sebaceous glands, which can cause excess sebum productioncausing acne. But not only that, as cortisol is also associated with chronic inflammation, which can cause red or sensitive skin.

6. Irritability

People with excessively high cortisol levels may experience mood swings and irritability and even outbursts of anger at times. This is because cortisol affects other neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which are responsible for regulating emotions. Additionally, as we’ve already pointed out, cortisol can impair sleep and make it more difficult to control your emotions.

7. Anxiety or depression

Yes, cortisol can help you control stress in specific situations. But too high levels can contribute to the development of anxiety or even depression. And cortisol affects neurotransmitter balance in the brain and can damage key areas such as the hippocampus, which regulates emotions.

8. Decreased sexual desire.

High cortisol levels too interfere with the production of sex hormonessuch as testosterone and estrogen, which can lead to decreased sex drive. This happens because under conditions of chronic stress, the body prioritizes the production of cortisol over other hormones, which can lead to decreased libidowhich affects personal relationships and self-esteem. “Stress, fatigue, anxiety, mood and even personal relationships can affect our desire,” he says. psychologist and sexologist Silvia Sanz.

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