Angel Llacer’s hell after being infected with a flesh-eating bacterium

Angel Llacer had to spend several months away from his professional duties due to a bacterial infection that almost cost him his life. The actor and presenter signed a contract Shigella during a trip to Vietnam in February 2024. necrotizing fasciitis -also known as “flesh-eating disease”– due to which he was placed in the intensive care unit and had to undergo various operations up to four times.

Llaser feared for his life. So much so that he came to say goodbye to his familygiven the high risk of death. “I understand that losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to you, but I tried to explain to them that I am a son, but I am 50 years old and that I have lived a lot. The only thing that made me feel bad about death, and I’m telling the truth, is that I left you all,” he reflected excitedly on the TV3 program. Doctors considered only two possibilities: that he lost his leg or that he did not come out of the intervention.

“They perform the first intervention and see the severity of the disease. This is a bacterium that eats the body. They remove the rotten part of the leg, close it and everything is perfect.. However, I tell the doctor that I still have a feeling that I will die,” he recalls. Finally everything went well and he was able to keep both legs. But there was still no second phase: learn to walk.

Consequences of “meat eating”

Illness meant terrible consequences and several scars on his right leg. Likewise, after surgery, he required assistance with mobility and had to relearn how to walk.

“I learned to literally put one foot in front of the other. I can’t jump or climb stairsI just go and do it slowly. Learning to walk is a real metaphor,” he warned.

“Of course, it was a very difficult moment. the worst thing in my life“both on a physical and emotional level,” he was sincere in his networks. He also thanked the “perseverance and professionalism of Dr. Cambray,” whom he calls “MY SAVIOR”.

What can cause Shigella bacteria?

The illness lasts five to seven days in mild cases, but can last for weeks in more severe cases, requiring antibiotics to stop the spread.

Symptoms vary from diarrhea with blood or mucusstomach cramps, fever, nausea and vomiting… Complications associated with dehydration, cramps, kidney prolapse, reactive arthritis, sepsis and hemolytic-uremic syndrome.

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