The romantic comedy starring Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum revisits the premiere’s American adventure on the moon.

Starring Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, “Partners in Glamor Duo,” this romantic comedy with some humorous moments takes place behind the scenes of the Apollo 11 mission.

France Television – Redaction Culture

I published

Lecture time: 4 min.

Movie poster detail "To the Moon" by Greg Berlanti, departing July 10, 2024 (SONY PICTURES)

Photos of the astronauts who went missing on the Moon on the 21st. Juliet 1969, these studio tours (Stanley Kubrick) to communicate with the American government. ? Le premier alunissage et le premier pas sur la Lune and the rumors that surround this historical event, inspiring a new cinema with this comedy that entertains the rumors and stereotypes that promote and cultivate the myth. To the Moon Dismantling in the halls on July 10, 2024.

1969: The beautiful Kelly Jones (Scarlett Johansson) is embraced by a lowly adviser to the President of State Universities, who is helping NASA win the heart of America. The country’s first tours in Vietnam, and the team in charge of the space program led by former combat veteran Cole Davis (Channing Tatum), fell from grace after the Apollo 1 mission began with three astronauts.

Cole Davis, déjà débordé within the soufflé mission, voit arrival d’un œil mauvais this woman who has no qualms about using everyone I cannot dispose of and includes some measures related to reality and to the truth , for persuasion. He ended up taking advantage of Kelly’s outstanding performance, being an expert in marketing, finding sponsors, and lobbying senators who could not convince him to increase NASA’s budget. Puis Kelly Voit gives a new mission (secret) : realized the film in an artificial education studio, with artificial splits that dissipate in case of problems in the Apollo mission. 13…

This comedy, integrated into the rumors of the script, is a disillusioned humorous comedy with the humor of rumors and conspiracy theories that can come to us from decades, sur la truth that the cents of millions of people ont can see their celebrities 21 Juliet 1969 on television : first pas de l’homme sur la Lune. En pleine guerre froide, c’est bien sur le area de la communication que les deux grandes puissances s’affronent, and all les moyens sont bons pour gagner la bataille de l’image et des ideologies.

And this is the beginning of this comedy : Unlimited deployment associated with propaganda, marketing, advertising and the first product placements that accompany the emergence of a consumer society.

In the role of queen of these new sales techniques, a woman in the world whose mensongs are gagne-pain, jusqu’à la virtuosité, un personnage haut en couleur, feministe, mais sachant user et Aber des Codes of the Codes. feminine pour arrival onto its ends. Incarnate character for one Scarlett Johansson drew the charm of Marilyn.

In fact, the stereotype of the heroes is in the butts, with the plasticity of Big Jim performed by the impeccable Channing Tatum. These two characters were opposites, and they encountered a man. IN Miroir of space conquest, Greg Berlanti, immersed in the story of conquering love, discovered the land of incognita, which presides over all good meetings between lovers.

Lumières, costumes, music and scenery, main and secondary characters, all embodied among outstanding actors and actresses… To the Moon Dessine une Amérique des années 1960 is very stylish, playing with stereotypes for my ideas. This comedy is seemingly funny, like a mise-en-scène on the planet, in the role of a restorer of truth, and the possibility of a little black chat. “Portrait of Greensun America”, “Chronicle of the Birth of the Image Society”, To the Moon It is also a satire on American cinema as a vector of official propaganda.

Read more about glamour, sequins, marketing and the war of looks, To the Moon We also pay tribute to the 400,000 people who mobilized, the laborers, the engineers, the Apollo technicians, some of the film consultants.

“C’était essentiel d’avoir le temoignage de ceux qui ont vécu cet événement de près”, assures the implementer (…)Ils nous ont raconté des anecdotes qu’on n’aurait can never be imaginary”says the realist. Ainsi, This romantic comedy is a parfaitement divertissante entretient au bout du compte le mythe du “rêve americain”.

Movie poster

Genre: comedy, romance
Implementer: Greg Berlanti
Actors: Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, Jim Rash
Pays: State University
2 hours 11 minutes
10 Juliet 2024
Sony Pictures releases in France
Summary : Actor Kelly Jones, a marketing expert who has been the custodian of NASA’s public image, is angering complex mission director Cole Davis. Lorsque la Maison-Blanche believes that this project is very important for rumors, Kelly Jones voit conferr la réalisation d’un faux alunissage, en guise de plan B et le compte à rebours est alors vraiment Lancé…

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