Is there a hidden fifth force in the universe? The answer may lie in asteroids

There are four fundamental forces which are responsible for all currently known physical interactions in nature: gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. The current scientific consensus suggests that each has its own mechanisms, and this quartet together controls the behavior of all particles and matter in space.

But is there still an unknown fifth interaction that is inconsistent with the others? This issue has been researched and discussed for many years, although there is currently no conclusive evidence. Now a new study published in Physics of communication suggested that if it exists, it may be hidden in asteroids such as Bennu (which the OSIRIS-REx probe picked up and returned to Earth last year).

Experts believe that the crater found was formed by an asteroid 400 meters wide.

The thesis of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) scientists, the authors of the study, is that this force can be carried by hypothetical ultra-light particles, which are a type of supposed dark matter. To test this, physicists studied the data OSIRIS-REx mission this could reveal whether there have been anomalies in its trajectory since its discovery in 1999, and therefore explain the existence of some type of hidden force.

“Using trajectory data and simulations derived from Bennu’s tracking, the team’s analysis established constraints on a possible fifth force and the role of a potential proxy particle in that fifth force. Presence of particle will appear in the modified orbit of an asteroid such as Bennuthis is why studying tracking data is so important for physics,” Los Alamos National Laboratory explained in a statement.

Research will continue on the asteroid Apophis.

To understand this, we must remember that each of the fundamental forces has its own mediator particle which explains how interactions occur. The electromagnetic force (which acts between electrically charged particles and has an infinite range) is transmitted by the photon; the strong nuclear force (which holds the protons and neutrons together in the atomic nucleus and is the strongest of all) due to the gluon; and the weak nuclear force (which is responsible for the interactions of subatomic particles and some types of radioactive decay) via W and Z bosons. In the case of gravity, the mediating particle is considered to be the graviton, but this is not true. discovered experimentally.

The researchers, who have not collected conclusive evidence for the existence of this hypothetical fifth force, note that such a discovery would represent an extension of the theory Standard Model of Particle Physicsincluding new discoveries related to dark matter. Research in this regard will continue at Apophis, the next asteroid visited by the OSIRIS-REx mission.

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