Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum in the film “To the Moon”: viser la Lune, ça ne leur fait pas peur

The two American actors reunite at the premiere of the charming romantic comedy at the end of the conquête spacee at the Mercredi Hall on July 10.
“To the Moon” tells the story of a live meeting between the Apollo 11 mission and a communications specialist tasked with converting an artificial alunisage into a diffuser if problems arise.
The duo talks on TF1info about the tournament “Fou” and realistic stories in the control room of what happens in Oublié “de jouer la comédie”.

July 21, 1969. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made history. “un petit pas pour l’homme mais un géant pour l’humanité” Alors Qu’ils Marchent Sur La Lune. Achievement is not To the Moon Reinvent the beginning of the Mercredi 10 July cinema. “Ceci est une histoire vraie, pour l’essentiel”Before this charming romantic comedy comes true, the two heroes confront each other behind the scenes of the Apollo 11 mission.

Top New York public relations executive Kelly Jones (Scarlett Johansson) is hired by the American government to appear before the public on her maiden voyage on Monday. His methods quickly attract the attention of the tough Cole Davis (Channing Tatum), NASA’s launch director, as well as concerns about his research and publicity. “Much of the American history of this history is written by the people who chose them and on constructs such as Channing’s personality and fine speakers such as Scarlett’s camera who look at the world and dissent: ‘On va faire ça!'”summary for TF1info by implementer Greg Berlanti.

“It was Kennedy who debuted at this moment that opened the doors that we will introduce and that we will finally complete.”ajoute le cinéaste (Children’s employment mode, With love, Simon ). “This is the greatest feat of humanity. This is an unthinkable object that is the achievement of simple love for America.”tempera by Scarlett Johansson, preference by character “universal” d’une prouesse scientifique qui étonne encore son partenaire de jeu. “J’ai l’habitude de dire: ‘Montez dans une voiture fabriquée en 1968 et jetez simplement un œil au tableau de bord.’ C’était ça la technologie à l’époque! Que ces personnes aient eu this ambition et aient envoyé. quelqu’un sur la Lune, ça semble si… Je ne comprends toujours pas!”Let’s start Channing Tatum.

Every turn, every time it vibrates, as if there is a fuse neckline on the outside.

Scarlett Johansson

At the time of the tournament, the star de Magic Mike I confess that I am avoir eu among these thousands of men and women who contributed to the Apollo 11 mission. “C’était énorme, le fait d’aller en salle de control tous les jours… Ils l’ont is reproduced in perfection. C’était géant! Ils avaient installé ces balanciers qui faisaient trembler la console”be souven-il. “Every revolution, every moment of vibration is like a fusée décollait à l’extérieur”Scarlett Johansson. “On ne jouait même plus la comédie. On se disait juste: ‘Wow! C’est fou!Channing Tatum agrees.

The plateau is a reproduction of the Moon on the surface of the rock, where it is gloomy and gloomy.

Anna Garcia

To prepare for a fictitious spatial victory, l’equipe de To the Moon You can learn about NASA’s automated information, where you have access to unpublished archives from that era, as well as some of the details of the work you did on Apollo 11. Part of the film for these actors. Kennedy Space Center in Florida, in honor of Armstrong and Aldrin. “Je n’arrivais pas à à croire. Je suis Tellement reconnaissant de leur implication dès qu’ils ont su que nous voulions célébrer ce que la Mission Accompli, meme si nous exinions aussi les idees fausses qui l’entourent”check out Greg Berlanti.

Sony Pictures

car To the Moon vient avant tout taquiner la theorie comlotiste selon laquelle l’alunissage n’a was never his residence and was not the factory of all the details in the studio. In the film, Kelly plays with an orchestra on a big secret tour, performing a series of recording sessions with the help of his recording artist son, Lance Vespertine. A brilliant film performed by the hilarious Jim Rash (Community) à qui le long-métrage doit ses meilleures Saillies Comiques. “The plateau is a reproduction of the Moon on a pink surface, donc c’était sombre et poussiéreux!”Surit Anna Garcia, who plays Ruby Martin, the assistant to Scarlett Johansson’s character.

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“On tour, the “fake aluminum” pendant is pres d’un mois. At the end of the tournament, that’s all it takes. “Ils détruisaient déjà tout”we dit-elle. On screen it’s a false baptism “Project Artemis” Soit is the name of NASA’s upcoming mission that will return astronauts to the Moon. Un pied de nez aux comlotistes? Exactly, they are implementers. “C’était le nom du premier scénario. In the end, abandoning the idea, le titre du movie en party pour cette raison. This is a complete coincidence, il y en a eu d’autres aussi étranges que celles-ci”We assure Greg Berlanti that he is signing with To the Moon une douce Comedie sans Pretention, ideale pour l’été.

>> To the Moon (2 hours 12 minutes) – with Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, Anna Garcia, Jim Rash, Ray Romano and Woody Harrelson, film act


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