US destroys Houthi missiles ready to attack ships in the Red Sea

The US military has reported an attack on a Houthi base where anti-ship missiles were deployed to fire at ships crossing the Red Sea from Yemen. For their part, the rebels have confirmed Russian and Chinese ships


US military fighter aircraft they attacked on Friday Houthi rebel site for the sixth timeBacked by Iran, three anti-ship missiles that were ready to be fired were shot down in Yemen. Shia rebels confirmed that some areas of the city of Hodeida had been hit, while on Friday afternoon they said that Ships from China and RussiaNot directly linked to Israel, can cross Independently of the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.

Houthi targets attacked in self-defense

These attacks were carried out by F/A-18 aircraft of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. This is the sixth attack since last week, when The United States and Britain attacked Houthi positions for the first time. US Central Command said that the attack took place in Yemen’s capital Sanaa at around 6:45 pm (local time) and that The missiles were aimed at the Southern Red Sea And they were ready to launch. The United States determined that the missiles launched an attack Imminent danger to merchant and naval vessels Americans in the area attacked them in self-defense.

Houthi-run satellite news channel ‘Al-Masirah’ said it happened on Friday Air strikes on the western city of HodeidaDirected against the al-Jabna neighborhood in the western part of the city.

Houthi attacks continue despite military operations

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby at the White House explained the reason for this. Increase in preventive missions, “This is the fourth preventive action that the US military has taken in the last week against Houthi missile launchers that were poised to launch attacks, in this case anti-ship missiles,” he said. Self Defense Their goal is to improve the security of sea routes. but so far, The attacks have not stopped the Houthis from attacking ships Almost daily in the southern Red Sea or the Gulf of Aden.

Houthis on terrorist list

The Biden administration is again Include Houthis in global list of terrorists Specially designated, a decision observed by the rebels. restrictions The provisions that accompany formal designation are intended to isolate violent extremist groups from their funding sources, while allowing the provisions to continue humanitarian aid Important for poor Yemenis.

The White House has also made it clear Counter-attacks will continue: “He still has offensive capabilities and he’s still willing to use them,” Kirby said. “We also have many defensive capabilities and we continue to use them.”

(TagstoTranslate)Yemen(T)United States(T)International trade(T)War IsraelHamas(T)Red Sea(T)Houthis

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