UN proposes “partition” for Western Sahara

Staffan de Mistura, the United Nations Special Envoy for Western Sahara, has raised for the first time “Division” In two areas of the former Spanish colony, thus morocco Maintain control of the North and the South would be considered an independent country.

De Mistura said this on Wednesday in a closed-door meeting of the UN Security Council, in which he indicated that this “commitment” will allow Rabat to implement the autonomy plan drawn up in 2007, while, on the other hand, on the other, “Will guarantee the right to self-determination of the population of Western Sahara”According to a transcript to which the media had access.

As de Mistura recalled, this is not a new idea, as one of his predecessors, James Baker, proposed it more than two decades ago. According to plan, The areas controlled by Mauritania in the 1970s will be taken as reference. Under an agreement with Morocco.

“Some countries and other regions in the region have expressed interest in this possibility of dividing the region,” de Mistura said, without giving details about which governments he was referring to.

However, he has made it clear There is “no indication” that Morocco or the Polisario Front are willing to study the ideaSomething he “regrets” because he believes “it should be considered.”

De Mistura has appealed for a “sense of urgency” Parties have been urged to show “creativity” while finding solutions “Mutually acceptable”, as it recognized that the historical conflict also leads to “implications” of a practical nature, as shown by recent rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on trade and fish with Morocco. Cancel the catchment agreement. ,

Ask for “details” of Morocco’s plan

The messenger warned that he is The stability and development of the entire region is at stakeThe result of a conflict that acquires “regional dimensions”, as demonstrated by the fact that there are currently no relations between Algeria and Morocco.

Rabat has highlighted in recent months International support for their autonomy plan is growing And de Mistura acknowledged that there are “bilateral initiatives” in this regard, citing France’s recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara as a “clear example”.

However, he pointed out Now is the time for Morocco to “clarify and expand” on the above The plan, because it does not contain the “details” in King Mohammed VI’s “three-page plan”. “Affected populations have a right to know what is proposed,” he said.

On the other hand, and noting that both the United Nations Charter and the entirety of international law require the “full application” of the right to self-determination for the Saharawi population, he urged the Polisario Front to also confront it. “A sense of realism” and commitment” process.

France changes its stance on Western Sahara and supports Morocco’s autonomy plan

De Mistura ended his speech by remembering It will be 50 years since its inception in 2025 confrontation And that, if six months from now no progress is seen between the parties – who do not even sit at the same table – then it would be legitimate to ask about UN involvement in the process.

The United Nations sent a mission to the Sahara in 1991 (MINURSO) to hold a self-determination referendum, but Morocco subsequently placed obstacles to that referendum and has only offered a vague proposal of autonomy since 2007. Since then, MINURSO has been left with the sole task of observing the ceasefire, which has been broken sporadically by both sides.

Sanchez not aware of partition proposal

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, assured this Thursday that he was not aware of the proposal for the division of the Sahara’s territory that has been proposed by the United Nations Special Envoy for Western Sahara.

Sánchez was asked about the proposal and the possibility of it receiving Spain’s support at a press conference presented in Brussels at the end of the European Council meeting.

But the executive head has assured that I was not aware of the proposal and cannot express any opinion until it is studied About this.

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