Adele Exarchopoulos and Francois Civil

There were definitely rumors circulating that the ensemble was at odds for a few days. Et si jusqu’à maintenant le doute planait, Adele Exarchopoulos and François Civil ont ends his life. Alors, in a couple or not? That’s for sure, that’s what the stunning screen looks like in Gilles Lellouche’s new film. Sur les écrans depuis ce mercredi October 16, “Love” Séduit deja le public and realized 3ème démarrage de l’année pour un French film. This morning the total number of visitors was 143,726 people, in 630 halls with a long meter diffuser.

Appeared in 1980. Jackie is a high school student and Clotaire, training with her friends. Lorskils gives up, this is a blow. But after the marriage failed, he went to prison and returned to life. A little later Clotaire tente tout pour Retrouver Celle qu’il aime encore et n’a qu’une idée en tête: se revenge de ceux qui l’ont trahi.

Leur complicité crève l’écran. Sur les Tapis Rouges, leur alchimie est évidente. Adele Exarchopoulos and François Civil attract the attention of the photographs, as fans and, very importantly, imagined as a couple. The duo, acquainted since their anniversary, never complimented tour after tour. “Je ne lui arrived pas à la cheville: this is one of our greatest actresses”admitted François Civil in an interview with Madame Figaro. Reply with sincere admiration: “I, this is my impression, this is what you don’t like, you don’t leave yourself aside. It’s calming.”

The Pour Vanity Fair duo pose for photos. In Avril Dernier ils font la couverture du Magazine et de nombreuses photos font le Tour des Réseaux sociaux. Plus, the two actors seem crazy. In Vanity Fair columns, journalists amuse themselves: “I wonder about the questions you raise with these photographs, in particular the cells or complicity between Adele Exarchopoulos and Francois Civil. “Une idylle entre eux, comme si L’Amour ouf se poursuivait au-delà du Plato.”

Alors pendant des mois, les rumeurs persistent. Sur les réseaux sociaux, chacun y va de son commentaire. “François Civil and Adele Exarchopoulos as a couple?????? Punaise plus a wonderful couple from the planet, if this is true”launched Internet on X in April Dernier. “The sexiest couple of our time”ensure another October debut. Sur Tiktok, d’autres sont plus dubitatifs: “Je les vois Tellement pas ensemble genre. “Ils sont faits pour être meilleurs amis.”

October 10, when Gilles Lellouche invited him to the plateau Daily To talk about his film, he admits that he could choose these two actors. “I saw my heroes being part of what I saw as accomplices who were available. I know what I’m doing and I’m waiting for three beautiful couples in the movie to be with us and I’ll start seeing my characters.” in pensant à eux.” Another couple in the movie, yes. And a couple in life? The main interests are the three vague points in a love situation… but they are most interested in the subtle details over the course of a few days.

On TikTok, some are sure that this is not an ombre d’un doute quant à l’idylle entre les deux acteurs: “Ils sont en Para et livete ensemble également”, “Ils sont Tellement faits l’un pour l’autre c’ est dingue”, “Ce para me parait irreel, it is possible, para autant parfait”, peut-on notamment lire.

“Mon meilleur amoureux, c’est mon fils. Il meilleur amoureux, c’est mon fils. Il meilleur amoureux, Il meilleur amoureux, c’est mon fils. Il meilleur amoureux, c’est mon fils. Il meilleur amoureux, c’est mon fils. Il meilleur amoureux, c’est mon fils. Il meilleur amoureux, these are my children. Il meilleur amoureux, c’est mon fils. Il meilleur amoureux, c’est mon fils. Confiait Adele Exarchopoulos in the columns of Marie Claire on October 9. “Il suffit juste qu’il me dise que je suis drôle pour que mon coeur s’accélère, alors je suis heureuse.” Does he agree that this is the rumor that is circulating on the spring trails about the son of the couple with Francois Civil? “This is a rumor that was spread by magazines that were forced to arrive. I arrived at the stadium, where I settle down and pay more attention.”– said Adele Exarchopoulos on the plateau What an era! Samedi, October 12. And if the actress was true to the couple, she was confident in herself, but did not want to see the spirit in the heavenly scene on social networks.

François Civil was not yet a boyfriend, but not a plus to journalists’ questions about the son of a potential couple with a cage that broke up with Louis Danse L’amour ouf. In La Tribune du Dimanche the brothers explain that “Lorsqu’on l’interroge sur son travail, ses goûts, ses modeles et ses envy, il se montre particulièrement amène et généreux dans ses reponses. film with Adele Exarchopoulos “Deborde dans la vraie vie”. To the question that the whole world is asking, the Auraite actor simply answered: “c’est quoi this question?!” Pas de reponse Claire, don. It’s more tout porte à croire than two actors returning to film at this point, just a strong friendship and a real compliment. After all, there are no more forms of love?

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