CAS does not forgive Barca and punishes them for missing Fair Play


The club will have to pay a fine of half a million euros because, according to the ruling, it hid the proceeds from the sale of 25% of the television company.

Laporta during an event in Barcelona ABC

Sergi Font

He Court of Arbitration for Sport (TAS) has rejected Barcelona’s appeal against sanctions imposed by the UEFA Club Financial Control Body (CFCB) for missing financial fair play in the 2022 financial year. At the time, Barça was fined €500,000 for an incorrect declaration. , in fiscal year 2022, profit from disposal of intangible assetswhich is different from player transfers, which do not constitute qualifying income under the rules.

CAS confirmed financial sanctions against the Catalan club. half a million euros. The European body’s judges believe Barcelona’s offense was deliberate. CAS confirms that Barcelona insisted on classifying the sale of 25% of La Liga’s television rights to Sixth Street for $267 million as operating income and that it presented it as significant rather than extraordinary income. The first appeal chamber of the Club Financial Control Body (CFCB), which regulates Financial fair playin 2023 concluded that the assessment of Barcelona’s 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 financial years did not comply with UEFA fair play rules due to this fact.

Barcelona was not satisfied with the sanction imposed and decided to appeal the punishment by contacting CAS, but this body denied the accusations Laporta confirmed the fine and also issued several warnings to the Barça club in his decision. “Barcelona’s allegedly catastrophic financial situation does not justify any violation of the current rules. Likely, If Barcelona managed their costs betterwould not be incentivized to sell or to attempt to misclassify the amounts received from this sale,” you explain in your conclusions. And adds: “The discrepancy in classification has an important impact on Barcelona’s balance sheet results, not only now, but also without doubts in general. next two seasonsconsidering that one monitoring period covers three consecutive reporting periods.

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