Nicole Kidman and Salma Hayek in complete conflict? Pourquoi, this theory qui affole la Toile est bien sexiste

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Sur TikTok notes that she pleases fans of hype, press, scoundrels and other gossip. In the space of the courtyard, out of context, Nicole Kidman and Salma Hayek show special trends at the Balenciaga plenary show at Paris Fashion Week, today, September 30.

The relationship of two Hollywood superstars, the undeniable distance, the French sources, the atmosphere plus the ice cover I saw in November: il n’en Fallait Pas plus pour Mettre le Feu aux Poudres des Internet. Two doigts du clash, suppose dès lors non dits and quarrels between two comedic characters. Les Analytes du langage corporel se sont d’ailleurs plus à sur-theoriser this sequence où rien n’est prononcé…

And all this for something? Nothing, after all. Oh, presque!


And yes, as I explain to Vanity Fair through the testimony of a lip-reading expert interviewed by the people on the site, page six, these two individuals simply change from the banality of the issue to demands to be photographed on their behalf, encerclées Who else is for the paparazzi. La gêne observée éclot tout bêtement des Difficulties à bien s’organiser, understand and are located in this group photo.

In case of avoiding conflict. More pas le sexism!


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