“We must change the situation”

Spanish Association of Pediatricians of Primary Health Care (Aepap) clarified the situation this Friday. And he did it after he took over appeal to families and administrationin view of start of flu vaccination this October.

Target? Clear: urgently improve enrollment rates for children under five years of age. And not only are babies vaccinated to protect others and prevent them from acting as carriers, but vaccinations are also given. protects the minors themselves.

“Boys and girls without risk factors can develop serious conditions requiring hospitalization“, emphasized the coordinator of the AEPap vaccine group, Ignatius Domingo. In fact, although the flu causes higher mortality In the elderly, young children are hospitalized in the same proportion as children over 60 years of age.

Consider: data

According to the statistical portal of the Ministry of Health, the average coverage of influenza vaccinations in children under five years of age in Spain last season was 36%with some of the most densely populated communities such as Madrid and Cataloniabelow this figure. In others, like Basque Country and Balearic Islandss, it didn’t even reach 20%.

Given this panorama, the President of AEPap, Pedro Gorrotxtagsclarified that this year they must “change the situation” and all primary care pediatricians must “make an effort“for clarifications to fathers and mothers during consultations”convenience of vaccinating childrenalso against influenza, at the age recommended by health authorities.”

Two types of vaccines

There are two types of vaccines commonly available today. On the one side, intranasalwhich may be more convenient, but is not permitted for children under two years of age. On the other side, intramuscularIt is administered by one injection and is the only drug available for children from six months to two years. Or for children under five years of age who cannot receive the intranasal vaccine.

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