The Generalitat offers 551 training stays in the EU for vocational training teachers and students

Valencia (EP). The Generalitat, through the Euro Trainee Programme, will facilitate 551 training stays financed from public funds in EU countries for teachers and students of special regime vocational training cycles of the Valencian Community.

These stays take place in countries such as Austria, Germany, France, Greece, Poland, Portugal or Malta and cover all types of specialties ranging from the industrial sector to sustainability and the environment, to vocational training cycles related to families; Food, Sports and Health; The economy, even culture and leisure.

The Generalitat has indicated that the Euro Trainee, promoted by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Employment, aims to facilitate the mobility of students and teachers to improve their professional skills, and therefore, offering two types of stay to each of them. Is performed. This is a statement.

With regard to students, Euro Trainee organizes training courses lasting one to four weeks as well as residencies at companies ranging from four to eight weeks. For this school year, companies are offered 225 places to stay and 54 places for training.

At the same time, during this 2023/2024 academic year, the Ministry makes available a total of 272 places for teachers, 74 places for one-week stays in companies in EU countries and 198 places for training courses of one to three weeks. tall.

Places included in the current offering include transportation, accommodation and meals for the duration of the stay and are gradually introduced throughout the year. The offer and requirements to be able to apply for these places can be seen on the website of the Department of Education.

increased mobility

So far, during this school year, the department has awarded a total of 275 mobility awards, which were launched in October 2023, this figure represents an increase of 75.15% compared to the number of awards last year.

Thus, during the last school year, professors from the community were able to deliver training in centers such as LUT University; University of Pisa; University of Bordeaux; Escola Comercio Lisboa; The Escola Profesional resides in the Gustave-Eiffel – Lumière campus or in private companies and centers such as the Institute of Education and Professional Development; Amadora Oeste Group of Schools or D. Dinis Agricultural Professional School – Paia.

For their part, students were able to gain professional skills in companies such as BSS Recruitment (Dublin); Lisbon International School; Untangled Media Ltd (Pieta) or Nehari Creations (Marseille).


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