The sun will explode after consuming the Earth: when?

All stars follow a life cycle during which They are born, grow old and die. The latter usually occurs as a result of a big explosion known as supernova. Therefore, it is quite expected that the day will come when our sun will explode. After all, it is still a star that follows a life cycle like all the others. Now, when exactly will this happen and how will it affect our planet?

Many researchers have tried to give an approximate answer. The latest research in this regard was published in April last year by hand scientists from NASA and the University of Warwick. According to their findings, the Sun will explode in a few 6 billion years. By that time, the previous expansion of the star would have already destroyed our planet, as well as some other planets in the solar system.

While this all seems like bad news, it’s actually good. As we already logically guessed, the Sun will explode inside several billion years. By then, we humans will most likely be the ones who destroy the Earth. There shouldn’t be any problems in this regard.

This is the life cycle of a star

Before studying the date of the explosion of the Sun, it is important to know in more or less general terms the date of the explosion of the Sun. life cycle of a star.

Birth occurs when particles of dust and gas from nebulae They are attracted to each other by gravity until they form a large mass known as protostar. Gravity continues to contribute, causing this mass to contract and its center to heat up, greatly increasing its density and pressure. As a result, the atoms that make up matter move very quickly and collide with each other again and again, causing nuclear fusion reaction which we should not confuse with nuclear fission used in the atomic bomb or in nuclear power plants.

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which keeps the star burning. Usually such a collision occurs between hydrogen nucleiwhich merge to form heliuma little heavier. Therefore, we can consider hydrogen to be the fuel of a star. Once this process begins, the star will have many years ahead of it, during which it will go through several phases, depending on its size.

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