He goes to the hospital due to discomfort in his eyes, and the doctors discover something that has been living under his eyelid for 9 years.

Spoiler: It was not simple conjunctivitis. But he didn’t suspect it. Citizen of Cameroon who came to the hospital several times strange discomfort in the eyes.

At the medical center CamposampieroV Province of Padua (Italy)Medical workers confirmed that this was not conjunctivitis at all. Rather it was a case loaz– parasitic pathology caused by Loa loa worm.

This nasty parasite round threadwormordinary from tropical forests of West and Central Africa. There it is mainly transmitted through the bites of horse flies and other insects.

When examined by doctors, the man admitted that he suffered from conjunctival hyperemia, sensation as if “something” is moving inside the eyewhich can cause redness.

In addition, according to the Italian press, he complained about severe itchingand also ruptures and swelling in the regions a priori nothing to do with eyes like ankles and That dolls.

The last one did suspect specialists that they weren’t looking anything “normal” in the eye. But when they analyzed the evidence, they saw that the infection has gone further any fear, and it was about loaz.

Once the parasite was discovered, the treatment was “shock”. precision surgery For find and extract the worm.

When they dug into their data, last surprise around this strange case: a man of Cameroonian origin haven’t returned to Africa for nine yearswhat does your business do infection in this longest ever recorded in Europe.

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