She is unfaithful to her husband, unrepentant, and concludes: “Even those who…”

Relationships often go through difficulties that both have to face together to prevent problems from escalating. If these tensions are not resolved, they can lead to resentment, which, in the worst case, can result in a breakup or infidelity.

Renowned life and relationship coach Anja Vojta recently spoke on this topic. In an article published in Your Tango magazine, Vojta explained how a series of circumstances led her to be unfaithful to her partner, detailing the painful lessons she learned from that process.

The first lesson that Wojta highlights is that infidelity is never accidental. Explain that every betrayal is motivated by an unfulfilled inner need, which does not always have anything to do with the cheating partner. In her case, she has recognized that his infidelity was the result of a low self-esteem. She admits that, at the time, she was looking for external validation, something that only she herself could provide, but she didn’t know how to handle it at the time.

The second lesson she shares is that intimacy is often used as an escape route to avoid facing painful realities. According to Vojta, many people resort to physical closeness to avoid emotional or personal problems that they do not know how to manage. In their experience, infidelity was a way to temporarily soothe their own inner anxieties and difficulties, indicating that something was deeply wrong in their lives.

“Be careful not to confuse love with a toxic bond.”

Anja also admits that her relationship with her former partner was not based on the true love she believed in at the time. He admits that, although it is possible to love and cheat at the same time, in his case their relationship was marked by toxic patterns More than true love. These types of bonds are often mistaken for love, he commented, when in fact they are based on unhealthy attachments born of unresolved traumas.

Finally, Coach emphasizes that even people who have experienced infidelity deserve to be happy. Despite the pain caused by her betrayal, Vojta emphasizes that it is important to overcome shame in order to heal and learn. criticize stigma Towards those who cheat, because the emotional wounds that lead them to act this way are often ignored. According to him, it is important to take responsibility for mistakes but at the same time not allow a bad decision to define a person’s entire life.

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