Doctors recommend this procedure starting at age 50 to have more energy.

50 years is a big change in the human body, especially womenwhich usually begin to coexist with menopause at this age and associated hormonal changes. Also men you can get hurt because it’s very hard for them it is more difficult to get rid of fatty tissueespecially around the stomach.

“For women, this is definitely a time when our bodies change. For example, 51 years is the average age for menopause. natural biological process marked by the end of the menstrual cycle. It’s becoming more and more difficult for men to lose weight,” he says on the Internet portal. Better life Dr. Deborah Gordish.

Therefore, from this age it becomes very important to control your habits and implement morning routine to have more energy and feel better.

Rest well

When we turn 50, one of the most important aspects is get good rest and sleep at least seven hours. “Sleep restores strength. During this process, the brain and body perform many fundamental tasks that are important for overall health,” says cardiologist Virend in Mayo Clinic. It has been demonstrated that People who don’t get enough sleep have higher blood pressure.

Walk, exercise and meditate

The first rays of sunlight are very beneficial for mental and physical well-being, so getting exposed to them is a good way to start the day, says Dr Martin Moore-Ede via Psychology today: “Help prevent circadian disturbances and therefore reduces the risk of many diseases, increase in life expectancy“.

“So it’s just go outside every daywithout the need to sunbathe or expose large areas of skin, should be part of everyone’s daily life. As an added bonus, if you do this in the morning, before the midday sun, you’ll get a stronger circadian rhythm and will also minimize your risk of skin cancer,” he adds.

Another benefit of walking early in the day is avoid metabolic diseases. Christiane Mensching, a specialist in general medicine, geriatrics, preventive medicine and health promotion from Berlin, notes in Vogue that the ideal is to take 10,000 steps, but you can start with 2,500.

“I would recommend incorporating natural walking into your daily routine if possible. Metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis or diabetes may be improved. with the movement or, at best, they can help us not develop these problems at all,” he notes.

In addition to walking, experts also recommend exercising in the morning and meditating. “Meditation can help you have a more peaceful day.” calmness and I can help you manage symptoms of certain diseases“explains Mayo Clinic.

Eat a varied breakfast, including coffee

Some experts point out that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it should be given special attention. “The morning meal provides fuel needed for body and brain. This may also help regulate hungerwhich reduces the need to snack between meals throughout the day,” says registered dietitian Charlotte Fuhrman of the University of Wisconsin Medical Center.

“For children, breakfast is positively associated with academic performanceas well as a lower risk of obesity,” he adds.

For this breakfast, it is advisable to drink black coffee, which will help reduce body fat. “Drinking coffee regularly can help you lose weight and improve your overall health when you include it in your diet. a healthy diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains“Says Derrick Alpere, a researcher in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. School of Public Health. T.C. Chana.

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