Interview with actress Saoirse Ronan for “The Outrun”

Bulversante. The Voice of What I Think of Saoirse Ronan Before the Film Shows Outranrealized by the German Nora Fingscheidt, which the main actress produced together with her companion, actor Jack Lowden.

In this film, I adapted the book by Amy Liptrot, Greta Gerwig’s favorite comedian (Lady Bird, “Dr. Mark’s Daughter”h), see also Wes Anderson (Grand Budapest Hotel, The French Dispatch) et in Mary Stuart (Mary Stuart, Queen of Ecossa)bouscule dans la peau de Rona, une londonienne qui approche de la trentaine et décide de l’alcoolisme en s’isolan dans ses les natales, les Orcades, au big de l’Ecosse.

De la turbulence de la ville, où sa vie personnel, son of a couple and son rub ont volé en éclats, la voici face au monde qu’elle quité il ya des années. With a non-linear narrative, the poetic film was written without going back to the sources like the others.

When he meets him at a hotel in central Paris, Saoirse Ronan speaks into his responses, confirming and suggesting his choice. She was three years old and had an impressive filmography, debuting in 2007 with the lead role as Keira Knightley. Reviens-moi. Found enrichment.

Marie Claire. In anticipation of the existence of this film, start by taking your companion into Amy Liptro’s book. Can we find this moment?

Saoirse Ronan. Il l’a pris avec lui pendant le confinement, l’a lue en deux jours. And I thought the story was influenced by Amy’s writing and her poetry, which was all very good. Well, I don’t know and I say: “c’est le prochain role que tu vas jouer.” Je l’ai lu et j’ai eu is exactly the reaction of the meme. We want us to fulfill the rights and start acting as a developer.

L’attirance for certain individuals

The parkas of this 29-year-old woman, who is addicted to alcohol, are strong and tangible. Maybe you want “ooey” to be a difficult role?

Life has been difficult for me. This is a topic that I researched after three long periods of time due to my personal relationship with alcoholism. But I don’t want to answer that question, just at this stage of my life. I ultimately feel strong support for my meme, but can also evaluate whether I am capable of doing what I have chosen to do as an entrepreneur.

This is a topic that I researched after three long periods of time due to my personal relationship with alcoholism.

What do you look for among the characters you accept in a game?

You just found interesting ones. I don’t have to do it like me. I prefer probably qu’ils ne le soient pas, but it is better that qu’ils aient quelque choose en eux.

I thought there were three smart women getting dressed every day. I wanted the premiere to be for you, and you were last year, who was an inept person, and it was brilliant. This is my help for my cat.

From Ladybug To Outran : age turns

Vous aviez bouleversé le public dans la peau de Lady Bird, young attaché, for Greta Gerwig. Vous voici dans la peau d’une femme à l’aube de la trentaine. Ces âges “turns” because it’s interesting?

These are the two roles that interest me. In retrospect, I thought, surtout à cet âge – me 30 years ago, me 28 years ago, when I was on tour for the film – que vous entrez dans cettephase de votre vie où vous trouvez vos racines et vous prenez plus decisions As much as I don’t want to spend time and what you want to go through.

I’ve never crossed paths with astrology, but there’s more to it than just the “Saturn return” when I was 28 years old. I thought this was already the moment of my life. It’s such a fascinating sight to see a person walk into the life of someone who says they choose to change in that moment.

This is a film tour for realist Nora Fingscheidt. You are a faithful Greta Gerwig actress. Aimez-vous particulièrement être led by a woman?

I thought it depended on the role. I am sure that the projects in the forests are implied, and I know that they are very much exploring how the woman realized her idea. I thought that the most important thing was to be an employee with integrity, confidence and knowledge of the work. Whether he is a man or a woman does not matter.

With Greta, Nora, Amy Heckerling and the other realists I work with, I never thought about what a soient des femmes is. Ce sont juste des professionalnelles. Toutes doivent être gentilles, and the whole world ne l’est pas, men or women. Mais Greta toutes ces qualités et Nora aussi.

“I love time to help me in labor.”

What souvenirs do you have from this tour of the isolated islands of Orcada in Ecossa?

Les Orcades is a place for the most incredible things. I discovered them during this tour. J’ai Tellement de souvenirs incroyables… I thought that the reason why they are varnished, sont si separées de tout le reste, c’est qu’il ya quelque, chose de spécial chez les gens là-bas: ils sont si gentiles, ils donnent and attendant. Ils ne se prennent pas trop au sérieux, ils veulent que vous vous sense à l’aise avant qu’ils ne se seentent à l’aise eux-mêmes.

In terms of payment, this is a dramatic story. Chaque ile est différente, it is its own culture and history. I thought one of the most popular souvenirs was viewing the Northern Lights. I recommend you to the whole world in your home.

In tant qu’actrice, avec une vie où tout va vite, like your character in aimeriez-vous parfois vous isoler, lower back, pendant quelques temps? Do you have the possibility of constant worry?

Je le fais souvent. Je suis quelqu’un qui aime vraiment se reposer. I dream of spending time doing better work. Tous les jours, il faut penser à ce que vous portez, à ce à quoi vouslikez, à qui vous êtes, à ce que vous dites, et c’est bien pour un temps très Court.

I love anything that has to do with hands, like in the Orcades, at school, or in Ireland, or I’m just lonely and don’t pay attention to this genre.

Hollywood, since its debut 13 years ago

You started out as a young man in his teens. Meanwhile, there are even more options from Hollywood’s past for women to choose from. Have Avez-vous observed changes in domestic policy?

If you have positive changes, good. I was already thinking that by keeping a conscience, we all encourage the pursuit of sales that we make when we live at six years old. I thought that gens haut Places Restent à Leur Place. But the road is very long and cannot be accomplished overnight.

I thought that people in positions of power, in the film world or not, soient entrainées d’une façon appropriée qui, reward good behavior.

Vous avez donné la replique Timothée Chalamet à deux reprises for Greta Gerwig, qu’on dore ici, et qui est franco-américain… Quel est votre meilleur souvenir with Louis?

I love it when our Avon tour takes place on the stage of demand and marriage Les Filles du Doctor March. Yes, this is all brilliant. We fight against the light, we fight when time is limited to see this scene.

For our case, it’s like our adventures, looking for another actor with those we’ve ever been in phase with. Our avons des énergies très différentes et nous travaillons d’une manière très différente, most of all in order to achieve the goal, on the march.

What roles will you take on in 30 years?

I watched a musical comedy. J’ai pu chanter dans blitz avec Steve McQueen (to be released in November on AppleTV+, ndlr)More than anything, it doesn’t feel like a musical comedy. I Love Greta (Gerwig) ndlr) le fass. I thought it would be funny. And I continued to work with Greta. Yamera also plays a villain in James Bond!

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