Georgian Dream wins absolute majority in elections

ruling party georgian dream It won a majority in parliamentary elections this Saturday with the support of more than half of voters despite thawing relations with the European Union (EU), which the Caucasian nation wishes to join.

“This is a victory for all the people of Georgia,” he said. Prime Minister Irakli KobajidzeEarlier supporters of Georgian Dream gathered in front of the political party’s headquarters to celebrate the first results announced by the Central Election Commission (CEC).

Billionaire and founder of Georgian Dream, Bidzina Ivanishvili, attended the celebration and said “It’s very unusual for a party Won parliamentary elections four times in a row“. “This is a testament to the spirit of the Georgian people. To the applause of those present, he predicted, “Our country will become one of the most successful states in the world in the next four years.”

Georgian Dream is criticized by the opposition and the West for rapprochement with the KremlinThe refusal to join sanctions against Russia for the war in Ukraine, expressed in the establishment of flights between the two countries and the approval of a number of repressive laws similar to existing norms in Russia.

According to election officials, Georgian Dream has won 53,054% of the votes After scrutiny of 72.36% of the electorates, which gives it carte blanche to form a new cabinet of ministers.

they are followed Opposition blocks coalition for change with 11.17%and Unity – made up of the United National Movement founded by jailed former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and the Renaissance Strategy party, with 9.84%. The other two opposition blocs for Georgia, Strong Georgia and Gazaria, achieved 8.99% and 8.2% respectively, so all four entered parliament exceeding the 5% threshold.

Now, The priority of Georgian Dream lies in re-establishing relations with the West.Damaged following the approval of the law on transparency of foreign influence, which the Georgian opposition considers tantamount to legislation approved to repress civil society in Russia. Following its approval, the European Union, the United States and the United Kingdom halted cooperation programs with Georgia.

Opposition rejects results

The opposition, confident that it will oust Georgian Dream from power, has rejected the results presented by electoral officials. “The CEC has subordinated itself to the police regime of Bidzina Ivanishvili The opposition should immediately make a plan to protect the votes of our victoryWe actually won. We need to take firm and effective measures,” said Armaz Azvalediani, a Unity deputy.

In return, Georgian Labor Party leader Shalva Natelashvili has warned of Moscow’s involvement after these results. and condemned that “these elections were marred by fraud following Russian methodology.”

“We do not accept the consequences of Stolen elections and we have no intention of accepting them“, Tinatin Bokuchava, president of the United National Movement party, said at a press conference, assuring that they would fight “to reclaim the European future”.

For his part, Nicolas Guarmia, leader of the Coalition for Changes, said Georgian Dream has carried out a “coup of the constitutional system”But “the victory of the opposition must be recognized. We do not recognize the results of the elections. There has been a seizure of power in Georgia.”

But 2,060,412 voters cast their vote, 58.94% of the voter listThis is a larger figure than the 2020 elections, when more than 56% of Georgians exercised their right to vote. More than 1,700 foreign observers from 76 international organizations and more than 23,000 local observers from 111 national organizations participated in the elections. For the first time, distribution of seats will be done entirely on the basis of proportional system. And about 90% of voters will likely vote electronically.

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