This is the only remedy that lowers blood sugar levels

Control the level blood sugar level is of growing concern around the world, especially as the number of cases diagnosed prediabetes And type 2 diabetes. Although daily allowance And exercise are well-known strategies, many find it difficult to maintain these habits over time. long-term and achieve balance stable.

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Recent research Scientists have identified an approach that wins popularity and show results encouraging. This method supported researchseems to suggest advantages noticeable in level control glucose.

Which method helps lower blood sugar levels?

Research published in Annals of Internal Medicine increased efficiency intermittent fasting wave time-restricted feeding (TREEnglish abbreviation) to improve control over blood sugar level.

Researchers Salk Institute And UCSD Medicine analyzed the impact of this method on 108 adults diagnosed metabolic syndrome and others risk factors such as high body mass index (BMI) and high fasting glucose levels.

participants were divided into two groups: one saved his sample regular diet and another set a feeding window of 8 to 10 hours, which allowed them fast from 14 to 16 hours a day.

How many kilograms can you lose by fasting for 16 hours?

Goodbye diet: it is the only thing that helps reduce blood sugar levels in the body.

results study, controlled throughout three monthsshowed that participants who practiced TRE showed changes in fasting glucose and achieved greater weight loss in the form body fat. This is relevant because losing fat instead of muscle mass prevents deterioration of muscle condition.

Moreover, although the changes were more subtle, intermittent fasting or TRE also demonstrated significant improvement in control blood sugar level and at levels glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c).

More research on the benefits of intermittent fasting for diabetes

Article published in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism confirmed that intermittent fasting Not only does this have a positive effect on people with diabetes, but it can also reduce the need for medicine.

The study noted that some patients experienced remission partial diabetes, suggesting that this type fast may have a long-term impact on care belonging disease.

intermittent fasting

Goodbye diet: it is the only thing that helps reduce blood sugar levels in the body.

In another investigation conducted in Hunan Agricultural University (China) a similar approach was used in which patients used “Chinese medical diet therapy“Five days of intermittent fasting followed by 10 days of normal eating.

results were surprising: among the 36 participating volunteers with diabetes, those who followed this plan intermittent fasting they even managed to lose 12 kg. Besides, 90% these participants were able to reduce their medicineand more than half suspended its use for at least one year.

These results highlight the potential intermittent fasting not only control blood sugar levelbut also to improve other health parameters associated with diabetesHow weight. For many people this practice may represent change important in your life, offering an effective alternative that goes beyond diet traditional and medicines.

This information is in no way a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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