Elections in Uruguay: live results

Candidate for Frente Amplio, Yamandu Orsiand national party candidates, Alvaro Delgado, will define in a runoff The presidency of Uruguay, according to the first estimates of pollsters.

Consulting firm Cifra estimates that Frente Amplio will get 44% of the vote, the National Party 27% and the Colorado Party (which has a candidate) 27%. andres ojeda) 16%. Sovereign Identity, the Independent Party and the Cabildo Abierto will reach 2%.

Meanwhile, consulting teams predict that Frente Amplio will reach 43.2%, the National Party 28% and the Colorado Party 15.5%.

For its part, Opsyon Consultores points out that Frente Amplio received 42.3% of the votes; National Party 27.8%; Colorado Party, 16.6%; Open Town Hall, 2.4%; sovereign identity, 2.3%; and the Independent Party, 1.9%.

Supporters of Frente Amplio wait for the results of the general election in Montevideo, Uruguay, in this October 27, 2024 (Reuters/Mariana Greif)
Supporters of Frente Amplio wait for the results of the general election in Montevideo, Uruguay, in this October 27, 2024 (Reuters/Mariana Greif)

The electoral court informed this 89.1% of Uruguayans went to the polls this Sunday In national and parliamentary elections. This equates to about 2.2 million people out of the 2.7 million who were eligible. In 2019, 90.1% voters voted.

In this first example, in which Voting was secret and mandatory.As established by the national constitution, eleven political parties He ran for president. On November 24, the second round will take place between the two people with the most votes: Yamandu Orsi and Álvaro Delgado.

Elections this Sunday also Define the composition of the Parliament for the period 2025-2030Each party submitted separate lists composed of its candidates to unify senate chamber (30 members plus the Vice President of the Republic) and Chamber of Deputies (99 members).

Additionally, voting is also included Approval or rejection of two referendumsOne of the constitutional amendments was promoted by the Labor Confederation and proposed, among other points, abolish pension fundThe second initiative came from the ruling party and it was proposed to enable night raidA security measure that is not allowed in the Constitution.

Yamandu Orsi (Reuters/Marianna Greif)
Yamandu Orsi (Reuters/Marianna Greif)

Polls warned that the Frente Amplio candidate was the one who had the best chance of leading vote intentions, although he was not expected to achieve the minimum for victory in the first round. For many he is the image of the former president Jose “Pepe” Mujica Who did he see the potential to become President and handed over the charge to? return left to officeFollowing the defeat against Lacalle Pou’s centre-right coalition in 2019.

Yamandu Ramón Antonio Orsi Martínez, 57, was born on 13 June 1967 in Canelones Department. His history in politics includes years of militancy and teaching, the first of them during the time of the dictatorship.

Since then, his interest in the subject grew and after the boiling point of 1985, he started becoming active in this field. artistic side Frente Amplio and began his university studies in international relations, which after a month he replaced with teaching history.

Years later, in 1989, he left his position at La Vertiente to join popular participation movement (MPP), created by Mujica and other former guerrillas of the National Liberation Movement-Tupamaros.

Orsi was also there, Secretary of the Municipality of Canelones -the second most populous department in the country- for two consecutive terms (2015–2020 and 2020–2024), although on 1 March he resigned from his post to contest the election as his party’s pre-candidate.

“He spent many years in Canelones, which is like a small sample of the country… Uruguay has all the problems it has.”Mujica said before learning of his victory in the primaries.

In recent times, in addition to being concerned about the issues of Uruguayans, Orsi has also positioned himself as one of the The most critical voices of Nicolas Maduro’s dictatorshipSince the electoral fraud committed on July 28, the politician has reiterated on several occasions that “the result is very doubtful and doubtful,” so it is clear that Venezuela “is not a dictatorship (but) an authoritarian regime and, if Dictatorship, if you like.”

Alvaro Delgado (Reuters/Andres Cuenca)
Alvaro Delgado (Reuters/Andres Cuenca)

Officer National Party placed all his trust in Alvaro Delgado, a veterinarian – on paper – but a career politician, who would seek Build second floor on Lacalle Pou Presidency.

Delgado was born on March 11, 1969 in Montevideo and her love of animals and nature led her to study veterinary medicine and graduate in 1995. However, the 1983 Act, when thousands of people demanded a democratic return, sparked his interest in politics, which eventually took center stage in his life.

On 30 November 1984, at the age of 15, he participated in the release of PN leader Wilson Ferreira Aldunet and it was then that he heard – as he remembers – his Words that “marked him forever”“There was something inside that was making me very itchy,” he says.

From then on, he started his path of militancy which soon reached political positions. Initially, it was bench secretary for the party and in 2000, under President George Battelle, he took office Inspector General of LaborHowever, his time in the portfolio was no easy task in the context of the economic crisis, although he is remembered for his ability Build relationships with unionists and the FA,

In 2005, after the defeat of Luis Alberto Lacalle Herrera, he took over subWhere he served until 2015. At the same time, in 2009, he established this sector along with the current President. fresh airMajority in the national party.

During the Covid period, he served Secretary to the Presidency And the right hand man of the President, who allowed him emerge as his successor and party candidates Build a “second floor of changes” in Uruguay.

“Not a step back, always forward”It was one of the phrases he said most during his campaign, which he created under the motto “Uruguay para adelante”.

Election workers prepare to start counting votes during the presidential and legislative elections in Montevideo on October 27, 2024. (Photo by Santiago Mazarovich/AFP)
Election workers prepare to start counting votes during the presidential and legislative elections in Montevideo on October 27, 2024. (Photo by Santiago Mazarovich/AFP)

Besides, Neither the social security reforms proposed by the single union center nor the authorization of night raids by the police were approved in the referendum. Celebrated this Sunday in Uruguay.

The amendment to the social security system that was proposed at the Inter-Union Plenary Session of the Workers – National Workers’ Conference could not reach the 50% votes required to go ahead, nor did it get the right to conduct night searches, which according to Demographics The companies’ estimates reached only 39%.

The amendment to the social security system that was put to the vote today was made in August last year, when the government of Louis Lacalle Pouw succeeded in implementing a law that raised the retirement age from 60 to 65 and this Also retired people were allowed to choose to maintain work activity. This led the union movement to promote referendums aimed at amending legislation and the national constitution. meant to be Make the pension amount equal to the national minimum wage and make it possible to attain retirement again at the age of 60.

Presidential candidates from the parties of the government coalition were against the union’s initiative, while the opposition Frente Amplio (FA) decided to leave it to the independent consideration of its voters, although its presidential candidate, Yamandu Orsi, declared himself in favor of it. Pitted against. ,

During this time, The final authorization for the night raid was the initiative of ruling coalition MPs. In this case, the government coalition supported the initiative, while Frente Amplio issued a resolution in which it expressed that the proposal was not “the best way to solve serious security problems”, so it would not support it.

(With information from AFP and EFE)

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