Instagram reduces the quality of videos when they stop generating a lot of views

MADRID, October 28 (Portaltic/EP) –

instagram confirmed that The playback quality of videos published on the platform depends on the number of visits to the publication in it decreases when they stop getting a lot of views and is saved for those authors who generate more hits.

When share videos on social networksas with Instagram or Facebook, it requires a dedicated amount resources from the company. For example, they require CPU consumption for encoding control video and specific amount of memorywhich can be large since it is a heavier file type than an image.

Taking this into account, in Sometimes Instagram shows videos published on the platform with lower quality. or even blurry when some time has passed since they were shared. However, other videos continue to play clearly Always.

In this sense Instagram CEO Adam Mossericonfirmed this This change in playback quality is related to the number of views. who receive the specified videos, and if necessary manage and use encoding and storage resources for this file type, as explained in a video posted on Instagram and collected by other users.

That is, Instagram reduces playback quality video, if some time after publication these stop generating a significant influx of visits. However, the video quality supported spicy for published content creators capable of generating more views.

It’s because Most visits occur after the video is published. and over time the amount views are decreasingtherefore the social network understands that You don’t have to invest so many resources in maintaining the quality of the said video.

Similarly, in the case again register a lot of hits for the specified post, Instagram improves the quality again play the video so that users can view it properly. This applies to both video posts and videos or stories.

However, as Mosseri noted in a Threads post, the change in quality is “not big” and, moreover, he clarified that the key is for people interact or not with the video “largely based on video content “It appears that quality is much more important to the original creator, who is more likely to remove a video if it looks bad, than to its viewers,” he added.

Thus, video quality management is based on the way a company manages its video processing resources. As Meta detailed in a statement last year: More than 4 billion videos are viewed every day on Facebook alone.

With so many views and videos published across multiple platforms, the company determined that “crucially important” for improving the compression efficiency of your video encodings, to offer “best quality video, reduce data usage and save energy.”

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