NASA has confirmed the date of the end of the world predicted by Stephen Hawking

One of the questions that arouses the greatest interest in people is what is the date of the end of the world. Many people are interested in knowing how long we will live on Earth, but at the moment only a few have dared to answer, since the theories of societies like the Mayans always fall short.

Stephen Hawking predicted the end of the world

Physicist Stephen Hawking predicted when the world would end. In the documentary “In Search of a New Earth” The physicist said that humanity will be able to use the Earth until 2600. from then on it will become a “giant fireball”.

Stephen Hawking names several reasons for the disappearance of the Earth: global warming, climate change and the greenhouse effect.

NASA believes the end of the world is imminent

On the other hand, NASA believes that the end of the world is inevitable if we continue to consume energy at this rate. While the aerospace organization doesn’t have a specific date for the end of the world, it does say that if humanity continues to deplete energy resources at this rate, it will bring it to an end sooner than many expect.

In addition, the Aerospace Agency reminds that urgent measures must be taken to prevent the disappearance of our planet. For this reason, NASA carries out prevention programs to take care of our planet from the inside as well as from space.

In fact, she created a new program to identify possible threats to Earth, such as an asteroid impact. It also continually studies climate change to mitigate its effects and devotes resources to Earth observation.

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