‘Cinnamon Donut Nails’: Hailey Bieber Signs a Manicure That Makes Her Part of Her Body
In manicure, Hailey Bieber Est indéniablement LA prescriptrice de tenances la plus suivie. After the glazed donut nails that have the beauty of the sphere in 2022, in 2022 comes the manicure without calker, my inspiration that I imagine for a young mother of 27, in collaboration with a manicurist. Zola Ganzorigt. To do this, prepare a chocolate duet and prepare a gourmet manicure, etc. luminous, d’ores et déja go viral in sur les réseaux. Are they not? “Cinnamon Donut Nails”
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What is a cinnamon donut manicure?
November 9, Zola Ganzorigt publish two English clichesHailey Bieber. Il n’en Fallait pas plus pour lancer la tenance. Agrémentées d’un vernis cannelle recuvert de pigments of mother-of-pearl, les mains de la it-girl américaine ont ainsi fait le Tour de la sphere beauté, official face of manicure la plus viral de l’hiver 2024: les “cinnamon donut nails” . Promise? Offrir une déclinaison hivernale des famous glazed donut nails d’Hailey Bieberau travers de nuances chaudes et gourmandes, ici un marron cannelle. It is obvious that the retrospective also has a leitmotif common to all sources of inspiration for the mannequin: to know the pearlescent pigments offered shine inimitable aux ongles inspired by donut icing.
Is the comment replicating Hailey Bieber’s “cinnamon donut nails”?
Come as usual Hailey Bieber this is a fact that is a favorite of manicurists Zola Ganzorigt to imagine this manicure. However, all that is possible is to reproduce itself, in four separate stages. Voice made by march: 1/ Apply the applicator to the protective base, reflect it and reproduce it when applied to the skin. 2/ Apply nude dye. Cliffside Karaoke d’IPO. 3/ Mix the dye Cliffside Karaoke As a top layer, you can add either a melange of pearlescent powder before applying on all corners, applying the effect of glaze du donut. And that’s it, the easiest way to play the songs and best trends of the season!