Including this food in your diet can improve the health of your muscles and nervous system.

Table of foods rich in magnesium (Freepik)

He magnesiumneeded for more than 300 enzymatic reactions, plays a key role in energy production and maintaining nervous balance. However, recent studies show that 80% of the population is deficient in this mineral due to inadequate nutrition or high body requirements.

Experts note that magnesium absorption can be affected by the use of fertilizers and pesticides, as well as a decrease in the quality of minerals in the soil. In addition, consuming refined grains significantly reduces magnesium intake compared to whole grains. It has been observed that persons under stress or athletes have higher requirements for this nutrient.

Symptoms caused by magnesium deficiency include: fatigue, irritability, nervousness, insomnia and muscle problems such as cramps and contractures. Although magnesium can be measured in the blood, most of it is stored in tissue and bone, making it difficult to get an accurate picture through blood tests.

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Low magnesium levels are associated with increased secretion cortisol during periods of stress, creating a vicious circle that affects hormonal balance. Some studies suggest that magnesium supplements may reduce cortisol levels and improve sleep quality. From a muscle perspective, it is supposed to help balance calcium levels, promoting muscle relaxation.

When choosing a supplement to treat stress, insomnia or muscle ailments, it is critical to choose bioavailable formats such as magnesium glycinate or citratecompared to less digestible options such as oxide or chloride. Combination with vitamin B6 and taurine can enhance the calming effect of the mineral.

magnesium level in the body they play an important role in stress regulation and quality dreamThis is indicated by various studies highlighting the importance of this mineral in hormonal balance and neurological. According to research, magnesium deficiency is associated with anxiety depression and mood changes due to their role in the axis hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, is directly related to the response to stress. It can be found in fruits (eg bananas, avocados), nuts (eg almonds), peas and beans, legumes, seeds. Soy products, whole grains such as rice and milk.

Research shows that adding magnesium can reduce cortisol level in the blood, which leads to a calming effect on central nervous system and helps improve sleep quality. In turn, magnesium is vital for proper muscle relaxation and plays a decisive role in athletes and people who experience muscle fatiguethanks to its intervention in muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as energy metabolism.

Effect of magnesium sleep cycle interacting with GABAergic receptorswhich are also binding points for sleep-inducing drugs and affect blood levels. melatonina hormone responsible for regulating sleep.

Thus, magnesium not only prevents and treats muscle contractures, but also has a beneficial effect on people with sleep disorders. The information presented here highlights the importance of maintaining adequate magnesium levels to improve stress response and promote restful sleepand also optimize muscle function in everyday life and in sports practices.

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