A few days before the debate in the Senate, Francois and Lostau met in a reserved manner to unblock the Base Law and the fiscal package.

Martin Lousteau and Guillermo Franco met yesterday to analyze the BASIS law

Interior Minister, Guillermo Francosand National Senator and President of the UCR, martin loustauheld a reserved meeting yesterday to remove the blockage Aadhaar law and fiscal package, which will be discussed in committee in the Upper House next Tuesday. In the meeting, the two mainly addressed the aspects that the MLA raised regarding the Large Investment Incentive Arrangement (RIGI) and money laundering, among other points.

Sources close to the legislator said on Thursday that Lousteau had strongly objected to the editorial staff because they had studied the law, which has received only half approval from deputies, and isolated it from political issues. The senator has been one of the targets of Miley and her followers, both publicly and privately.

Guillermo Franco was presenting the work of journalist Gonzalo Aziz at the book fair on Saturday. Union leader Gerardo Martínez and businesswoman Isola Costantini attended (Photo Gustavo Gavotti)

Truth is this infobae It was able to confirm that senators and ministers who are working on negotiations with the opposition held a wide-ranging conversation this Friday to define which central articles are to be modified. The government knows it has the right votes and every wish in the Upper House counts to get this law passed.

The government acknowledged last week that there would be several changes to the base law and the fiscal package in the Senate and believes the issue will have to be discussed again in the Chamber of Deputies for final approval.

Lostau’s voice in the Commission sessions was one that offered very sharp criticism regarding the drafting of both the basis and starting point of the legislation for Argentina’s independence and the fiscal package. The Government, in fact, in response to the comments raised by the legislator, confirmed during the plenary session that it would have to make changes to the wording of specific articles as pointed out by the President of the Radical Civic Union.

The Energy Secretary, Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo, was also in the upper house and acknowledged that some articles of the Base Law did not contain “happy words”.

Before the meeting, senators from the Federal Capital had reported that “this is the most generous anti-money laundering package in the history of Argentina.” He described it as a “mockery of the taxpayer”, adding, “It’s a huge benefit for people who don’t pay taxes.” “The richest people in Argentina are going to pay less,” he predicted. “Middle class income tax has increased and SMEs will have to continue paying tax while activity declines,” he said. “People are going to pay more taxes while earning less,” he stressed.

Lostau warned that the government’s initiative “enables someone to plunder real estate, buildings, properties or areas that they own in the name of another.” “We have Article 35 that allows people to the front, we have a speech by you saying you are going to be tough, but we have a speech by the President and other materials in the law that indicate exactly the opposite. It does,” Lostau said.

Minister Francois at the book fair (Photo Gustavo Gavotti)

Lostau’s expression in the debate in the Upper House caused deep discomfort in the ranks of La Libertad Avanza, but also in government-affiliated sectors such as PRO. In fact, the president of that bench, Luis Juez of Córdoba, who assumed the role of head of the Radical Civic Union, “With the level of representation of the Frente de Todos which is appalling; But well, everyone will be responsible for their own conduct or their own misconduct., Said. There was no public reaction from Lostau to these statements.

Beyond animosity, the minister is creating space for dialogue with the opposition to prevent the Franco Senate from once again being limited to the political objectives of the libertarian administration, as happened with the DNU last March. With the 33 granite votes – at least for now – that Kirchnerism of the Union por la Patria has, the government is obliged to prevent it from reaching the 4 senators it lacks to reach a majority. Hence the importance of the reserved meeting with Lostau.

Senator Martin Lausteau raised tough questions in the Senate about the content of the BASIS law and the fiscal package (Jaime Olivos)

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