A girl empties her parents’ account and spends 60,000 euros on mobile games

free video games They are one of the most popular types because they allow everyone to access them. However, his business model, Apart from advertising, they are also based on opportunity give “small payments” which allow unlock rewards, assistance, improvements or characters in the game, among other things.

Typically these are games that generate high level addiction and the temptation to invest in them for promotion is always present. This led to great concern among experts and parents, Well, babies also tend to be more dependent on them.

One of the latest events related to games of this type occurred in the city. China, where is one A 13-year-old girl spent almost 60 thousand euros on games free to play in just 4 months, destroying all your savings. The parents found out about this through a teacher who contacted them and expressed concern about the number of hours the little girl spends on her mobile phone.

According to ABC, the mother decided to check the family’s account and realized that she only had 0.5 yuan left, which corresponds to 6 euro cents. the young man admitted than from the total amount of savings, which would be equivalent 15,000 euros were spent on the purchase of video games, other €27,152 in micropayments And relax by buying games from friends, who claims they forced her to do it.

Parental controls on devices

“When they asked me to pay for their games, I paid them, although I was very sorry,” the girl explains. Additionally, she adds that if she didn’t, they would be “upset” with her all day, and she was also afraid to tell the teacher in case she told her parents. In these cases there is possibility of implementing parental controls on devices and limit functionality such as video game purchases or usage time, among others.

It seems that the girl received debit card from his mother and connected him to the phone mobile. In addition, it should be noted that also I had a password because previously his mother gave it to him in case you need money at any time. Mother He tried to return the money, but failed. in full.

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