a group of scientists discover new clues

Given the recent emergence of a COVID variant known as Pirola, many people have become infected again. Many others who even contracted the virus have now done so with a new wave of cases. According to the latest report from the Surveillance System for Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (siVIRA)Hospital positivity rose nine points to 33%. In fact, experts note that Pirola, a subvariant of Omicron, was responsible for almost 60% of infections reported in recent weeks. Despite this, still There are people who have never had COVID. in a world that has come to a complete standstill with the advent of this epidemic. They do not know the symptoms of the virus first hand and have not experienced the many effects it causes. After an exhaustive scientific study, a team of researchers discovered new evidence supporting their immunity.

More information about COVID infections

COVID is still present in our lives. In fact, within weeks, Spain has seen a wave of infections that has risen by 33%. According to the Acute Respiratory Infections Surveillance System (Sivira), Virus cases in Spain have quadrupled in just one month. Concern about this new wave of infections has reached the most vulnerable in the population. Patients with chronic or respiratory diseases, the elderly and those with other health problems strictly follow the recommendations of specialists to avoid infection. On the opposite side of the population are those who, despite the lack of any measures, have not contracted COVID. Although this is a surprising and unusual phenomenon, There are still people who have never been sickor. These people have lived normally for the past four years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. They were not suffering from symptoms of the virus and were unaware of its effects, although they were likely to be close to friends or relatives who were infected.

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