A Le Pen candidate quit the election after appearing in a photo wearing a Nazi hat

Ludivine DaoudiFar-right candidates National team (RN, for its acronym in French) led by Marine Le Pen, has been involved in a controversy that has led to her withdrawal from the French legislative elections. Despite reaching an unexpected 19.5% The circulation of a photo of him, without campaigning, from the first round of voting has sparked a great debate on social networks.

Image spread by his opponent Emma Forrau of New Popular Front (NFP) On his social networks, the RN candidate is presented posing with the hat attached to it Nazi rule, Philippe ChapronThe party’s departmental representative confirmed the authenticity of the photograph during an interview with France Bleu Normandy after it was leaked last Monday, July 1.

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For return.

According to the party representative, the controversial photo was taken “many years ago, when Daoudi was not even part of the national rally.” The scene took place “many years ago, in an arms market in Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives.” However, throughout the campaign, several RN candidates have been exposed with messages on social networks Casteism, Antisemitism And insults.

The Calvados Tri-Fest is cancelled

After the publication of the photo, Forrau, who received 35% of the vote, is in a favorable position for the second round. He is currently in second place after the candidate of Republican, Joel BrunoWho is leading with 43% support.

The three-cornered contest in Calvados’s 1st constituency was cancelled after the far-right candidate withdrew, leaving only the two main candidates competing.

This unexpected turn raises significant uncertainties about how it will affect the party’s campaign. Despite the far-right’s initial success in the first round, the candidate’s withdrawal raises considerable concerns, especially just five days before the second round on 7 July.


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