A little story about the premiere of the film “Blue Ivy”, Beyoncé’s girls

Beyoncé and Jay-Z are a superstar couple: since their wedding in 2008, the duo’s moments and gestures have been epic, analyzed and commented on. It’s not a surprise in 2012 when people got together with the girl who was Blue Ivy Knowles-Carter and all hello to the tour against the petite girl. But I answered the unanswered question: Why do I want to choose Blue Ivy Prenom?

Prenom, which was not used in the previous program as the basis for Blue Ivy

In this interview, rapper Jay-Z said that his girlfriend Blue Ivy is from Brooklyn. Why reason? The origin of the Brooklyn neighborhood in New York, these are the most vibrant places representing the most beautiful areas of the Son. A point of view that was in 2007 on Appelé’s 10th album. American gangsterJay-Z confirms in chanson Hello Brooklyn 2.0 “Hey Brooklyn, I wish we had a daughter. Guess what I should call her?” Traduisez “Bonjour Brooklyn, si nous avions une Girl.” Devine comment je l’appellerai?

Blue Ivy, a gift that originated from a recent joke.

On the other hand, Blue Ivy is most liked by an attractive person in Brooklyn to make a difference? Some long-term rumors say that the two superstars’ girlfriends are proud of Jay-Z’s favorite color, blue. In addition, the rapper explained that different sonograms indicate that the couple appears to be a surnomer leur enfant “Blueberry”, translating the myrtile. After Beyonce’s rudeness, all that was left was to become the petite girl’s official name.

While this concerns the son’s second party, named Ivy, which means “lierre en français”, plus theories exist most probably in between: the couple’s best friend Jay-Z Beyoncé est le 4. Essentially, la star est nee September 4, son of Marie December 4 and April 4, 2008, he was born in Mary.

Des prénoms also advertise the meaning for the son of a little brother and a little sister.

Knowles-Carter no longer belongs to Blue’s children and has a special meaning. In 2017, the superstar gave birth to a baby girl named Jumo and a baby girl named Rumi and Sir Carter.
As with Big Sister, the choice of books is excellent, but it’s risky. In fact, Rumi is a girl who is the son of the 13th century poet Jalal ad-Din Rumi. Pour son frère, the simplest and simplest meaning means that sir se traduit en français par le mot “monsieur. Un prénom unique et qui, commanding respect.

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