A new scandal in human capital, now by a platoon of liberal gnocchi | Irregular appointment of rugby players

New complaints that compromise the Ministry of Human Capital headed by Sandra Pettovellothey began to arrive in Comodoro Paya and the surprises did not stop coming. Three presentations point to the personnel recruitment mechanisms used by the Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Family through agreements with the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) that would have been used payments to people who did not have an official designationfor a bonus and to pocket the difference and convert it into dollars (i.e., to create political cash).

Everything indicates that the latter would have been achieved due, among others, to the billing provided by a group La Salle School friends/known rugby players Who was Federico Fernández, the administrative director of the region. There are 18 people who appear on the list with billings between 600,000 and 1,400,000 pesos but who did not have functions in the portfolio. I mean, Gnocchi,

Agreements with the OEI – which have existed for a long time – are usually aimed at projects in education, culture and science, among other subjects. It is a multilateral cooperation organization that uses funds from the Argentine public treasury, which, in this case, would have deviated from its purpose. Until last week, the Secretariat for Children was in charge of Pablo de la Torre, who was removed by decision of Minister Pettovello when the scandal of the interruption of food distribution in community canteens and picnic areas reached a volatile point.

This happened as a result of it being known that the portfolio had 5.9 million kilograms of goods that were to be distributed to social organizations and more than 399 thousand kilograms of powdered milk that had expired in July and 40 kilograms of rice along with vegetables had already been lost.

De la Torre was in charge of food security policy. His secretariat had an agreement with the OEI by which they transferred 6,772,500,000 pesos for various purposes. As it turns out, it bears Pettovello’s sole signature Page 12.

The government publicly accused the official of not controlling Pettovello to explain his expulsion and caused great resentment. The ministry itself reported De la Torre to the Anti-Corruption Office (OA) and did the same to Comodoro Payá with exactly the same text. But they blamed him not for the food problem but for the use of agreements with the OEI.

In court, the complaint was made by the director of Human Capital Legal, Lila Giani, the same one who was mocked on television for collecting thousands of kilos of weed and claimed – all with food – by the leader Juan Grabois ( Human Argentina). “Do you want a popular Grabois mateda?” was the official launched. In another interview he admitted that bonuses were paid at Human Capital and that “there was irregular management of the money received by the people who invoiced the OEI.”

As this newspaper has reported, the contracts for works projects with the OEI are not the only contracts that are suspicious. The bidding and purchase of pulses and sunflower oil were also handed over to that body and a 5% commission was paid. This process, which is usually carried out by ministry personnel, thus escapes local control.

About rugby and other tricks

Two weeks ago, the Data Clave portal published a spreadsheet containing the names of professionals who billed the OEI for services for the Secretariat of Children, Adolescence and Family. It was in a file titled “Plan 120 (FF)” on an open access Google Drive. The initials would be those of Federico Fernández, alias “Fefe”, and the 120 would mean $ 120,000 per year. According to the complaints filed in the Comodoro Paya courts (logistics, advertising, systems, banking and real estate entrepreneurs), the people listed there are 18 and have no relationship to the actions of that agency and at least one group would be rugby friends of “Fefe” from La Salle, such as Gonzalo Avetrani, Vicente Ammann, Lautaro Alarcón and Santiago Anziano.

The famous list includes some eye-catching columns that mention “net bag”, “small box” and what appears to be a discount of between 10 and 12 percent. Some of these appear to have been translated or interpreted in the defense that Fernández made in the internal human capital summary and which became the basis of the complaints before the OA and the courts. According to the complaint, he said this after it appeared in a television report. The man is still in his position as director of administration but is under investigation.

He said that on January 24, he witnessed a meeting attended by officials from the Ministry of Human Capital and Children. He mentioned former Secretary of Coordination Maximiliano Cazeli, the chief of staff of the secretariat, Lucia Ruscosky, and former Undersecretary of Administration, Agustín Sánchez Sorondo. It said that Níñez requested the appointment of about 50 officials who were already working there. He said that Cazeli said that no one could be appointed until there was an organizational chart and that Sánchez Sorondo suggested OEI contracts.

As is clear, Fernández’s story included in the complaint was intended to hold his colleagues accountable. He pointed out that there was a limit of 1.3 million pesos on the issue of billing to OEI, but there were salaries as high as 2.5 million. In any case, he specified that Cayesli decided to proceed with the appointment for three months. And that no list of personnel was prepared, but instead he “began to receive resumes of people to appoint, which he sent to the General Directorate of Special Projects to establish salary limits there.” In the meantime, employees would have left and eventually other people were appointed. “OEI agreements began to be collected in early March,” the complaint states. Clarifying that there are no longer any OEI contracts.

A very shocking section is the one that relates that “the money collected by some consultants was converted into US dollars to reduce the amount of bills to be distributed, being given directly to workers who were not part of the current payroll and others to officials with really low salaries. Finally, the remaining amount in dollars was given to Pablo de la Torre (now former Secretary of Children, Adolescents and Family) to pay personnel who were never appointed.”

Several questions arise here, which must be investigated in the case and the OA: Was the advisor an acquaintance of yours? If stocks, how were large amounts of dollars purchased? Why dollars? So that? At the end of the statement, Fernández clearly left the salvo to Pettovello. The minutes state: “I wanted to record that Minister LIC Sandra Pettovello was not aware of this irregular situation.”

The rugby club has denied any links with the ministry.

Two more complaints

As is clear, Capital Humano’s complaint says nothing more and demands that crimes of public action be investigated. It relied on federal judge Ariel Lijo. The same judge was dealt with a complaint by lawyer Leonardo Martínez Herrero, which targets a group of Ministry of Children and Childcare officials, starting with De la Torre, who would have been involved in the OEI employment contract and their real fate. It cites some journalistic publications, which include some names of people who would have invoiced and who did not work in the portfolio.

The second complaint, submitted to the Sebastián Ramos court, was presented by Alejandro Díaz Pascual, from the civil association “Information” Arco Social, pointing directly to Pettovello, de la Torre and Luis María Scasso, director of the OEI. The hiring was also “carried out irregularly (…) For pretending to employ about one hundred people who never performed any duties, to divert said funds to the payment of bonuses and the purchase of US dollars in the illegal market, producing an immeasurable impact on the treasury of the Argentine State.

In the same presentation Díaz Pascual suggests that the same type of contracts could have been used in education. “It is striking that, surprisingly, María Inés Broguín Alba, as Undersecretary for Administrative Management (Education), after the outbreak of the previously described scandal, suspended the payment of 300 contracts made by the State through the OEI.”

A Key Audience

This Tuesday there is an important hearing in Chamber II of the Federal Chamber in which the representative of the legal area of ​​​​Human Capital (Leila Gianni should go) and the Grabois, who complained in February about the interruption of deliveries, will meet face to face from food to soup kitchens. The ministry appeals the order of Judge Sebastian Casanello to present a plan to distribute the 5.9 million kilos of food found in the Villa Martelli and Taffí Viejo warehouses.

It only provided a list with entry dates, brands and expiration dates. The argument is that this is a non-justiciable issue. Grabois has already announced that he believes the judge will agree with the liberal administration. The hearing is an opportunity to present arguments.

The government announced that for now it would only distribute what was about to expire, that is, powdered milk, and for that purpose it asked Konin, the anti-rights Abel Albino and the Ministry of Defense for help in making the distribution. Meanwhile Casanello and prosecutor Paloma Ochoa analyzed the results of the inspections in the warehouses. The next definition in court will be in the hands of chambermaids Eduardo Farah, Roberto Boico and Martin Iruruzun. They could make a decision quickly.

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