A Spanish company makes gold from Morocco’s new scheme

Morocco has launched an ambitious investment plan to modernize its urban public transport system. The objective, detailed by Morocco’s Interior Minister Abdellouafi Laftit in a presentation of the project during a parliamentary session, has passed

To improve mobility and transport efficiency in the country’s major cities.

The million-dollar plan will focus not only on purchasing buses, but also on improving maintenance facilities, depots, ticketing systems and management support tools. The initial investment will be covered by the Ministry of the Interior and local authorities, but the program also seeks to implement a delegated management model to ensure efficiency and long-term financial sustainability.

The modernization of public transportation in Morocco will have a significant impact on the quality of life of citizens, who will be able to save time and money on their daily trips. Net watchtower It is estimated that a Moroccan worker can save up to 10 dirhams per day on transportation, which can be directed to other basic needs. In addition, the new buses will provide a more accessible option for the physically disabled and contribute to reducing air pollution.

Spanish Company Bus Morocco is emerging as one of the main beneficiaries of the new plan as it is the company in charge of managing most of the bus lines covering Moroccan territory. With a solid presence in the country, it has demonstrated its ability to efficiently manage urban transport, establishing itself as a key partner in the modernization of the transport system.

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