A Spanish tourist died after being trampled by an elephant in South Africa

A Spanish tourist died this Sunday trampled by an elephant In the national park PilanesbergIn South Africa. 43-year-old man got out of his car Take some pictures of a herd of pachyderms who was passing by the place, when one of them attacked him and crushed him.

death He was accompanied by his fiancée and two women According to police, they saw “three elephants and three calves” in a private vehicle within the reserve. “Information suggests that the man He stopped the car, got out and approached the elephants. to take photographs,” said Sabata Mokgwabone, a spokesman for the country’s authorities. “That’s when, reportedly, the elephants attacked and killed him,” he added.

On the other hand, Peter Nellconservation director for the Northwest Territories Parks and Tourism Board, said the matriarch of the herd was “Excited“When he saw tourists approaching he explained that it was “normal” to see elephants trying to “protect their young.”

It is not clear at the moment whether the person made any such gesture or not The response could have been Animal violence. All other occupants of the vehicle, all from Johannesburg, were “unharmed”, according to police, who have announced the launch of an investigation.

How much does an adult elephant weigh?

In this sense, it is worth remembering that the elephant It is the largest mammal on Earth; It can weigh up to eight tons and measure up to 3 m high and 7 m long. with large fan-shaped ears and a long trunk. The African elephant has three toes on its hind feet and five toes on its front feet.

All African elephants, including females, their teeth are sharp. They use one more than the other, so one is usually smaller as a result of wear and tear. That Ivory Because of its tusks, the African elephant has become a target for wildlife smugglers and is one of the main victims of species trafficking.

African elephants are believed to have a highly vegetarian diet They eat about 200 kg of food a daybecause this species of mammal needs more food than the Asian elephant, which is smaller than the African elephant (about 2 meters). In fact, they travel long distances in search of food and spend an average of 8 hours feeding. Unfortunately, elephants’ teeth do not last forever. With age, their incisors wear out and they are unable to chew food, so they die of hunger.

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