A sudden polarity reversal on Earth could result in our extinction, but there is nothing we can do to avoid it.

Planet Earth depends not only on itself, but also on everything that surrounds it.

A sudden polarity reversal on Earth could result in our extinction, but there is nothing we can do to avoid it.
The Earth is facing a serious problem

The world evolves much more slowly than humans. Geological time is slow, it takes billions of years for real changes to occur. The same goes for many of the changes coming from space. In this regard, there are things to worry about, such as the change in the rotation axis or the major changes that the Earth’s core is undergoing that we are largely unaware of. Another little-studied danger, Laschamp Eventcan bring many things under control that we didn’t know about until now.

Danger in the making

A recent study published in a scientific journal Science described in detail the polarity reversal on our planet that occurred 41,000 years ago. Known as Laschamp Event It left the Earth without any protection from solar and cosmic radiation for no more and no less than 500 years, potentially affecting the plants, animals and species that lived on our planet at that time. In fact, it is believed that it may have been the beginning of the extinction of our closest relative, Neanderthal manas well as many other animals and plants that have not survived to this day.

To do this, they relied on geological analysis and on some long-lived trees, such as the kauri trees of New Zealand, so they concluded that during this period the magnetic field weakened to 6% or even 0% of its current strength, allowing the sun’s rays fall straight on Earth and its species.

These destructive effects have been quantified at the archaeological level thanks to deep knowledge and study of the earth’s conditions at that time, but it is believed that If this happened now, it could be even more dangerous..

The reason why this could be dangerous today is precisely because of the technological advances that our species has experienced since then. Homo sapiens sapiens Those who survived that time coped with these changes without electricity. However, today this event will lead to the destruction of all electrical networks and any device associated with them, such as our cell phones.

It is believed that during this period, primitive people could find shelter in caves, so there was a process of greater dissemination of rock art. However, everything suggests that people continued to live in open spacesalbeit with a noticeable reduction in quality of life and life expectancy. Although the extinction of our species would be rare, it would mean the collapse of our civilization and how we lived until now.

Considering that the magnetic field level has been decreasing relatively sharply in recent centuries, it can be assumed that perhaps we are moving towards such an event And? Perhaps this could spell the end of our way of organizing ourselves as a species..

This would radically destroy the ozone layer by forcing us to absorb ultraviolet radiation, and in addition, it would lead us to create a safer life underground or in buildings where sunlight is heavily filtered or with few openings.

This highlights something very frightening: we are very fragile and easily broken. Humanity has built ultra-technological castles in the air, but it is possible that sooner or later be destroyed, collapsing under the weight of geological history.

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