A volunteer visits a nursing home in the United Kingdom and is amazed by what an elderly woman does during her visit

Author Pedro Simón says that we do not like old age because it is a The spoiler of what our lives were going to be in the end.

All of us who have parents in a day center or boarding home know the importance of entertainment. Sometimes, the sadness that comes with knowing you’ve grown old is lost skill, memory, freshness, This leads our elders to a sadness that grows stronger and makes its way in every day.

But, in those places there are always people ready to correct them, to make them smile, to agree with them, even if they are wrong. Play bingo with them, sing, shake their feet while they drink fluids. Drawing without leaving edges. That the food is hot but not too hot.

george You may be one of those people who is responsible for the care and welfare of all the elderly. The thing is that George does not charge anything for this. When his work allows, George comes to Temple Croft in the United Kingdom to sing and dance with the residents. And get amazing moments.

old lady

old lady

With his guitar, George inspires the residents to sing, hum and, for the most enthusiastic, dance. And so he spends a few afternoons of the month in joy, fun and youth. Because that’s what George has achieved, making everyone a little small again.

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