According to a study, a simple walk will help you if you suffer from back pain.

He Backache This condition is becoming more common, especially in people who work in an office and spend many hours sitting in a chair. To try to alleviate this pain, experts recommend physical activity and, if possible, stretching to try to ease the body.

Now, according to a study conducted in Australia, it has also been shown that simply by daily walk You may notice benefits and improvement in your back pain.

Macquarie University in Sydney has a research group focusing on this disease and they produced a study published in a scientific journal. Lancet who came to the conclusion that Walking reduces the number of episodes of back pain.

The study involved more than 700 adults with episodes of low back pain and an average age of 54 years. Some participants had to follow a pattern of going outside. walk dailyaccompanied by a physiotherapist for the first six months to give them some advice.

Participants carried out these daily walks for 12 to 36 months, and at the end of the study, the researchers concluded that people in the group who walked daily suffered. fewer episodes of back pain than those who did not go for a walk.

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