According to exit polls, the far right has won the elections for the first time in Austria.

According to exit polls published by Austrian television, the Liberal Party leads the results with between 27% and 28%, while the Austrian People’s Party ÖVP has received between 24% and 25% of the vote.

Given that there are over six million votes, the count is moving quickly. With 30% of the votes counted, from sparsely populated rural areas, the FPÖ would have reached 29.10% of the votes, an increase of 12.93% compared to the previous elections, although it is necessary to clarify that it is very possible that, When the results from urban polling stations are integrated, this difference will reduce compared to the VOP result, which reaches 26.20% of the votes with this level of scrutiny and registers a loss of 11.2%.

Even if this result is confirmed as the investigation progresses, it is unlikely. herbert kickleThe leader of the FPÖ comes to sit in the Chancellery of Vienna, because the FPÖ has made it clear that no other option is better than allowing this representative of the most radical wing of the party, the student and follower of Jörg Haider. At the beginning of the century this brought Austria to the brink of separation from the European Union.

“We have made history,” declared Michael Schneidlitz, general secretary of the FPÖ. “The Austrians have made history today,” he insisted in his first reaction, reported by Austrian public television, ORF.

Schneidlitz has promised to handle the outcome “responsibly” and has declined to speculate on a potential coalition. “The night is still young,” he replied.

According to a foresight study published by ÖRF, the Austrian public television, the third party will be the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ), which will garner 20.4 percent of the vote, the worst in the formation’s history. Its federal director, Klaus Seltenheim, has acknowledged that this is “a painful result” and has set himself the goal of “saving Austrians from a blue-black coalition” in reference to the colors of the FPÖ and ÖVP.

The federal director of the SPO considers third place to be a “painful consequence”. This is the worst result in the history of SPO. But Bubbler has done “a lot of things right.” Its purpose is to “prevent the Austrians from a black-blue coalition”.

(detailed news)

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