According to Harvard: 3 Fruits That Improve Memory and Reduce the Risk of Dementia

Research conducted by a nutritionist Uma Naidubelonging Harvard Universityhave shown that certain foods are necessary to maintain brain in optimal conditions and some fruits stand out for their ability to improve memory and reduce risk dementia.

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Catalina Ciampa


Support lively mind and prevent cognitive impairment is of growing concern because we’re getting old. Incorporating these natural options could change the way our brain face demise time.

“Eat food which stimulate brain can significantly reduce the risk of developing neurological problemsimprove mental health and help save clear And concentrated“, he emphasized Uma NaiduDirector of Nutrition, Lifestyle and Metabolic Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital.


blueberryrich flavonoids And antioxidantsstand out as one of the best fruits to promote aging healthy brain. Research has shown that eating flavonoid-rich foods such as blueberries may reduce the risk cognitive impairment.

According to a study published in Neuroscience Journals in 2021, including half daily serving blueberries may decrease by 20% likelihood of suffering cognitive problems. This study analyzed more than 77,000 people, both men and women, and showed that diet extremely rich in these compounds profitable.

The ideal fruit for a healthy, low-sugar diet: blueberries.

According to Harvard: 3 Fruits That Improve Memory and Reduce the Risk of Dementia

blueberry contain anthocyaninsa type of antioxidant that not only gives them their characteristics bluish color. Naidoo explained that “anthocyanins promote healthy tolerance to stress and they have an effect anti-inflammatory agent throughout the body, especially in brain

Besides, blueberry rich folateswhich have also been shown to have a positive effect on mental healthpreferring the good brain functioning after some time. Recommended to be consumed between ½ and 1 glass blueberries a day.


He avocado This is another fruit that can significantly affect brain health. This fruit contains a large amount magnesiuman important mineral for the brain. Various studies show that flaw Magnesium is associated with an increased risk of developing depression.

Avocado helps your metabolism

According to Harvard: 3 Fruits That Improve Memory and Reduce the Risk of Dementia

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It should be noted that they registered cases where are the patients with depression received magnesium supplementsA improvement rapid symptom relief in less than a week. Avocado, in addition to containing magnesium, also contains healthy fats who help brain work efficiently.

dried fruits

On the other side, dried fruitsHow walnutsare an exceptional source of fatty acids omega-3having properties antioxidants And anti-inflammatory agent. These healthy fats are essential for improving memory and support cognitive abilities.

What are the best dried fruits to eat for breakfast?

According to Harvard: 3 Fruits That Improve Memory and Reduce the Risk of Dementia

“I recommend eating 1/4 cup per day (no more, because it’s easy to overdo it with nuts!) as a snack or added to a salad or vegetable side dish. walnuts They can even be combined into one muesli or mixture dried fruits which contains much less sugar and salt than store-bought versions. shop” Naidu said.

Combine these three fruits may make a significant contribution to brain health and reduce risk neurodegenerative diseases. Blueberries, avocado and nuts not only improve memorybut they also contain a number of nutrients that contribute to brain longevity.

This information in no way replaces a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and under no circumstances self-medicate.

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