According to science: is it better to exercise at night or during the day?

With a fast pace of life do the exercises It has become a luxury: most people who go to the gym or exercise do so in their free time or after a long day of work, not only to exercise, but also to relieve accumulated stress and tension; but have you ever wondered if there is best time to workout? It will be better exercise in the morning or evening?

When is the best time to exercise, scientifically speaking?

According to various studies, The best time to train depends on the training you are doing.because a walk in the park is not the same as strength training.

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When it comes to aerobic exercise, research conducted by the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil and the University of Oregon has shown that aerobic exercise has a positive effect on the baroreflex, a mechanism for regulating blood pressure that only has a positive effect at night.

The study involved 23 patients over 60 years of age who were divided into two groups that did exercise cycling 3 times a week for 45 minutes at moderate intensity. One group did the exercises from 7 to 10 am, and the other from 5 to 8 pm. Researchers found that those who exercised at night had significant improvements in blood pressure and cardiovascular balance. due to increased baroreflex sensitivity.

Another study conducted by the University of Sydney found that People who exercise at night have a lower risk of heart disease and death. compared to those who exercise in the morning. Researchers analyzed the exercise regimens of more than 30,000 obese people, with an average age of 62 years, over a period of 8 years. They found that people who exercised after 6 pm had a 61% lower risk of death and a less than 36% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. disease. While those who exercised in the morning were only 33% less likely to die and 17% less likely to suffer from heart disease.

Credits: Antonio_Diaz – iStock

While the magazine Men’s health notes that If you do strength and strength training, it’s best to do your exercises in the morning.. Because in this way, your body will use the fat stored in the body instead of using the food you just ate, as a study from Appalachian State University found that those who train with weights at 7 am lose weight faster than those who trains at night. .

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