According to science, these are the physical exercises that bring the greatest benefits to the brain.

We all know about the benefits of walking. 10,000 steps a dayaccording to the standard indicator proposed by WHO (World Health Organization). Among them, scientific studies have particularly highlighted a reduction in the risk of death by more than a third and risk of cardiovascular disease by at least 20%. A fact that strongly encourages people to join the walk.

Our physical fitness improves significantly when we start walking. Our physical endurance improves, and as if that weren’t enough, our brains seem to benefit from this athletic activity, according to a recent study conducted by researchers from several universities in the United States.

All the benefits of walking 20,000 steps or three hours a day

We know that exercise helps reduce stress levels and also improves our cognitive abilities, as Harvard neuroscience studies have reported in recent years, which in turn has also been confirmed by the World Health Organization. The truth is, we already knew all this data, but what other benefits does it bring to our brains?

Pexels Christian Rojas 8391699
Pexels Christian Rojas 8391699

According to research, walking at a good pace can help improve our lives. memoryIn the study, American researchers observed how performing regular aerobic exercise, such as daily walking, increased the size of the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with memory and spatial navigation, by about 2%.

Participants in this study walked briskly for 40 minutes three times a week for a year. In them an increase in the volume of the hippocampus was observedsomething that can be equivalent to reversing age-related memory loss by one to two years. That, coupled with the escape from stress that this discipline provides, is an activity that is full of benefits for the health of our brains. There is no good excuse, going for a walk is quite must.

Photos | Kate Trifo on Pexels, Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

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