Adele Exarchopoulos and Alain Chabat

Moins d’un mois après le mea culpa des youtubeurs McFly et Carlito sur l’alcool, this is a tour of Squeezie d’enflamme la toile après sa dernière video. Face camera for the new opus “Qui est l’imposteur?”, dedicated to the retrospective of Alain Chabat and Adele Exarchopoulos, as part of the regular promotion of the film L’Amour Uf. Two days after its publication, celle-ci’s video received more than 6 million views and 6,000 comments. All the more positive uns que les autres… ou presque.

Plusieurs repeats this video published on October 19, Adele Exarchopoulos and Alain Chabat mostly on the train vapoter une Puff, thiste vapoteuse jetable au grand succès auprès des jeunes. Sur les reseaux sociaux, il n’en Fallait pas plus pour lancer une nouvelle polémique.

“C’est clairement Scandaleux”prompt the Internet user to X. “Ça ne donne pas un bon example en effet”throw outre. “Perso j’aime bien cette fille, but most of all I look at Puffs m’a beaucoup déçue.” Sur les reseaux sociaux, ceux qui ont vu la vidéo de Squeezie dès sa foray not allowing sous garder leur langue dans leur poche. In the video at the top of the hour, Adele Exarchopoulos and Alain Chabat sort through additional reruns of “Puffs.” To the voice of steam, but rather to recracher de la fumée entre deux rires.

“En vrai, c’est juste ignoreueux. Genre ils ne peuvent pas party la fin du Tournage pour fumer…”perhaps 24 hours after the video is posted on Youtube, rich commentators. ““J’ai un fils de 12 ans et effect la Puff est à la mode… et ça n’aide pas”trust your mom on social media. “This is my shock, surtout qu’ils auraient pu couper au montage, this is accessible information, this is more and more. Et Squeezie a un public jeune aussi, Donc C’est Limite. I love Squeezie, more than anything.” “That’s acceptable.”

In a YouTube video, comments that are overwhelmingly positive will most likely result in you seeing the vapotage tool and then repeating it on the screen. “J’aurais juste quelque chose à dire sur le fait de voir, Adele, a smoker, to watch a video with Puff for a long time. vous plaît, la santé c’est Malheureusement, on ne s’en Rend Compte que lorsqu’on ne l’a plus..”register as an Internet user. “Petit bémol pour la Puff dans la vidéo… this is déjà vu un fléau, someone’s youth, donc autant ne pas les inciter”, I have no doubt that this will be a confirmation of the other.

Moreover, jurisprudence Rappelle que fumer ou vapoter is interdit “in all the farms that constitute the place of labor”…as the very recording studio as far as Squeezie Tourne La Videoe is concerned. Do you want a YouTuber to decide to support a video? What is a montage modifier or public justification fair?

Although there are many people on the Internet, Squeezie videos are what happens on the line and the main stakeholders are not eccentric. Some are sure that I will defend myself. “On voit ça Litéralement Quelques Secondes dans Toute La Video.” Cette polémique, franchement c’est un peu abusé”rate the Internet user X. “Laissez les gens vivre et faire ce qu’ils veulent bordel,” “C’est aux Parents d’éduquer leurs gosses. Pas à Squeezie.” Voilà le discours de beaucoup sur les reseaux sociaux, two days after the mise-en-scène in the video line.

“Arrêtez de prendre les jeunes pour des bills. J’ai never saw my father, Bruler un billet lors d’un repas de famille parce qu’il a vu Gainsbourg le faire à la télé”scan from a surfer on X. “You are already 30 years old and you are waiting for du Brouillard on some plateaus to tell you about bright invitations, and this is more than 12 gossips, and this will be the best package from Marlborough”try to convince the other. There is a deeper reasoning behind all my words, which is why I know the numbers. In 1995, the newspaper Le Monde l’affirmait dans sescolnes: “Teenagers Smoking Cigarettes”. From this article you will learn that “35% of 12 to 18 year olds without a cigarette, au moins de temps en temps”, Trend in houses after 1994. In 1999, 30% of 16-year-olds smoked cigarettes, up from 16% in 2007, according to ESPAD. Alors, effect, la cigarette on television has nothing in common and a unique reason… Mais peut-être bien une une réelle Influence.

La “puff” nous arrives tout droit des Etats-Unis et s’impose en France depuis plusieurs mois déjà. This atomizer vaporizer does not contain a specific amount of euros and contains nicotine amounts ranging from 0 to 20 mg/ml. Ce quiplet so much chez celle-ci? These names are good or fruity, not les plus jeunes raffolent. Aujourd’hui, about a retrospective of not only lyceums, but also colleges. According to a study by the Tobacco Control Alliance, 13% of 13-16 year olds will be ready to smoke in 2022. If 3 million French people consume e-cigarettes, then it will be an encore to quantify the march. Puff pastry in France. But no one doubts that these past three years the ciphers have been in constant disarray.

It is clear that puff pastry poses a real health risk to a large number of young people and adults. Elle est d’ailleurs interdite à la Vente pour les Mineurs, and it is impossible that this subject should be published publicly. But this is not true: due to its unique application, this vaporizer, consisting of plastic and a non-recyclable lithium battery, also poses an environmental hazard. La députée Nupes Francesca Paschini assures the work at the Queen’s University, ““Chaque semaine – 1.3 million puffs prepared in poubella.” This is the word that gives 4500 billion dollars that are being canceled in the world. At the end of September, the European Commission did not return to France and the intermediate part of Puff. L’entrée en vigueur de thistte loi n’est pour l’heure pas encore conconue.

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