Adele Exarchopoulos on the poster of the new police!

Adèle Exarchopoulos is making a big screen comeback in a new sci-fi cop film called Chien 51, directed by Cedric Jimenez.

If there is a French actress who has not achieved success and is the most successful, it is Adèle Exarchopoulos. Révélée au grand public grace as the son of the boulevard in Life of d’Adele In 2013, a young woman très vite. becomes an indescribable figure of French cinema..

Directed by Abdellatif Kechiche, this film is affordable Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festivalfaisant of the plus girl winner of this prestigious award. In fact, Adele Exarchopoulos lived for 20 years. Incredible!

In the end, Adele Exarchopoulos is not a sparkler on the big screen. El in joy Forest Anarchists (2015), about its embodiment young plonge woman from the anarchist movementand others. Orphelin (2016), or she interprets the character at different stages of life.

In 2019, Leila Bekhti’s assistant was recognized for her role in Rube, lightoù she embodies the role of a young woman implicated in a criminal case, there is a fois de plus He is able to navigate between raw emotions and touching vulnerabilities..

Plus he didn’t look like Adele Exarchopoulos. Je verrais toujours vos visages (2023) who appreciated him Cesar’s Best Supporting Actress in Fevier-DernierBig screen star featured on poster Chien 51. MCE TV you en dit plus!

Adele Exarchopoulos Plays Cops in ‘Chien 51’

After success BAK North (2020) and others. november (2022), Cedric Jimenez makes a grand return to cinema with Chien 51, an ambitious film that combines science fiction and polar dystopia.

I adapted a romantic novel by Laurent Godet. Chien 51 se déroule dans un futur proche où Paris is divided into three distinct zones. AI respondents divided by social class.

In this adaptation for ambitious people, Cedric Jimenez is a bad casting with a high will. In fact, it’s Adèle Exarchopoulos and Gilles Lellouche starguaranteeing the presentation of the advantages to prestigious persons. Incredible!

Adele Exarchopoulos and Incarnera Saliaa Zone 2 police officer who collaborates with Zem, a declassed Zone 3 film star played by Gilles Lellouche.

Ensemble, ils enquêteront sur le meurtre du createur de l’IA contrôlant la villedevoilant alors une conspiracy qui pourrait bouleverser l’ordre établi.​

Alors que le Tournage venent tout juste de débuter, Chien 51 These are flowers and the most ambitious projects of French cinema the budget is estimated at between 40 and 50 million euros.

Malheureusement, this will fail patient Juscu October 15, 2025 to discover the future work of art signed by Cedric Jimenez. On Hate!

Photo courtesy of:
Marechal Aurora/ABACA