AESAN calls for preventing obesity with these tips

From Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) is a reminder of the importance of maintaining healthy lifestylewith a healthy diet, stable and varied, in addition to continuous physical activity adapted to age and health status.

This Saturday, May 18th, is celebrated European Obesity DayAESAN emphasizes that obesity is a risk factor for other pathologies such as cardiovascular And diabetes, among other metabolic and chronic diseases. They can also be associated with low self-esteem. depression or even, anxiety.

AESAN Tips for Preventing Obesity

To achieve this, the agency has prepared a number of tips that should be followed in order to achieve such a high level of health. prevention Obesity starts with creating a healthy and sustainable environment. In addition, with a varied diet based on fresh food, seasonal and local. It is important to significantly reduce your intake of processed foods that are high in salt, saturated fat and added sugar. We must not forget the importance eat whole grains and fruits, vegetables, legumesnuts and olive oil in the diet.
For your part, do sport and reducing sedentary habits help in this prevention and direct fight against obesity. These are not activities that are just good for health, “they are also good for health.” planet“, explains AESAN.

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