After solar panels comes wind energy for self-consumption.

After solar panels on your balcony, the idea of ​​installing a wind turbine at home may seem crazy. When we think of wind energy, we think of wind farms with giant blades. However, a Dutch company has created a new system of small turbines for installation in our homes.

What are they like? Flower turbines This is a small wind energy project. Unlike horizontal wind turbines, this new technology is built around a vertical axis and does not reach a height of more than five meters. It has a service life of 20 years, and can withstand speeds of 200 km/h without the need for bolts. Electricity will be produced at lower wind speeds, starting at 4 m/s. In addition, these turbines are quiet and safe for birds.

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Advice from the brand

Friendly with birds. The company emphasizes that the vertical axis and the rounded, compact shape allow birds to better observe it and avoid collisions. They also add that the absence of sound reduces the acoustic impact that so disturbs the fauna.

Adaptation to different types of housing. The Dutch company explains that they can be placed on roofs, terraces of small residential buildings or on top of a skyscraper. The company itself adds that placing one turbine next to another can improve efficiency by up to 50%, which is known as the bouquet effect.

This Silent Home Wind Turbine Will Be Solar Panels' Biggest Competitor

Solar panels, can they be combined? The combination of solar panels and wind turbines is possible and will allow maximum use of renewable energy sources. The so-called Eco-Roof Energy Hub It is a solution for energy integration in small, safe and obstruction-free spaces, but on flat roofs.

Other projects. In the same vein, we find the Archimedes turbine by Liam F.I. It has a spiral design inspired by the Archimedes spiral, which allows it to capture wind from any direction. Compact and silent, it has a diameter of 1.50 m and a maximum weight of 100 kg. In addition, Archimedes explains that it generates energy at speeds starting from 5 m/s, making it optimal for city centers. Unlike Flower turbines It is not possible to add a solar panel to the structure itself.

What rules did they set? The Netherlands and the European Union are setting standards for the installation of solar panels on balconies. Regarding large-scale wind turbines, regulatory frameworks have been proposed, such as Wind energy Package European Commission or guidelines proposed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to ensure adequate safety and efficiency. Just as self-consumption of solar energy is regulated, we may see self-consumption of wind energy regulated in the future.

Image | Flower turbines

Hataka | Sweden has an idea to reduce the environmental impact of wind turbines: make them wooden

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