Almost no trace of influenza in Navarre and acute gastroenteritis, which is on the rise

During the week of May 6-12, they were diagnosed in Navarre. 443 cases of acute gastroenteritis in primary care, up from 408 the previous week. Cases have been distributed for all ages and geographic regionsThis is stated in the epidemiological report of the Institute of Public and Professional Health of Navarra.

Among the 109 cases with an etiological diagnosis, norovirus (38 cases), Campylobacter (23 cases), rotavirus (17 cases) and Giardia (9 cases) were distinguished.

As a control measure, the Ministry of Health recommended People with symptoms should avoid handling or preparing food for other people. He also called for extreme measures hygiene measuresespecially washing your hands before eating and every time you go to the toilet or change diapers. Young children with symptoms should not attend daycare.

Likewise, it encouraged public health notification of a suspected outbreak and recommended It is enough to cook the poultry meat.

Sporadic detection of respiratory viruses

The incidence rate of acute respiratory infections in primary health care was 464 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, of which 7 per 100 thousand corresponded to influenza syndrome and 13 per 100 thousand to covid-19.

were confirmed 15 cases of Covid-19, of which 5 were hospitalized. were confirmed 2 cases of flu and both required hospitalization. There are no confirmed cases of respiratory syncytial virus.

Morbidity pneumonia, although cases of pneumococcus (347 since January) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae (314 since January) continue to be confirmed. Cases of whooping cough have also been identified (75 since January).

Thus, Public Health indicates that “sporadic cases of detection of respiratory viruses continue to occur.” flu vaccine this season “demonstrated moderate effectiveness and is estimated to prevented more than 260 hospitalizations The Covid vaccine also shows “moderate to high” effectiveness in preventing hospitalizations. It is estimated to have prevented “more than 100 hospitalizations this season.”

Basque wave

Citizens of Navarra can carry out their usual procedures with the help of a virtual health card, which has the same validity period as the physical one.

Total mortality in Navarre

During the week from April 29 to May 5, 132 deaths were recorded (the last week with complete data). The mortality rate is somewhat high, but within normal limits.

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