An elderly man with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever died in Salamanca.

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is a consequence of a virus transmitted primarily through the bite of a tick of the genus Hyaloma.

An elderly man hospitalized in Salamanca with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) caused by tick bite A week ago, he died on Wednesday in a hospital in Salamanca, as sources in the Ministry of Health confirmed to EFE today.

Following the death, the ministry activated waste management and cleanup protocols, the same sources said.

Last April 27The Castile and Leon Health Directorate has confirmed a case of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) caused by a tick bite in an elderly man hospitalized in Salamanca.

The patient was in a stable condition, within the serious range, in the Salamanca hospital and with appropriate isolation measures and protection from similar situations, although he eventually died on May 1st.

The FHCC case was confirmed by the Ministry of Health after tests carried out National Center for Microbiology Carlos III Institute of Health, located in Majadahonda (Madrid).

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is the result of a virus that is mainly transmitted by the bite of a Hyaloma tick, as happened in this case, although it can also be transmitted between people by contact with the patient’s blood or fluids.

Health authorities, as a preventive measure, are mindful of the importance of wearing appropriate clothing and footwear during excursions, as well as when traveling on roads and use repellents for both people and pets.

Any attached mites should be removed as quickly and properly as possible. preferably by medical professionalsaccording to the same sources

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