An expression that should never be said to a cancer patient: it may worsen his diagnosis – La Linterna

At 67, Pilar has survived two breast cancers and suffered from chronic metastases for eight years. Since then, he has been living with a disease that cannot be cured because there is no effective treatment.

“When someone is diagnosed like this, the consequences are huge: you are also diagnosed with metastases, and everything becomes even more serious. Moreover, it is associated with death,” explained Pilar.

This is not trivial, since one in eight women will suffer from breast cancer throughout their lifetime. Although the survival rate exceeds 80%30% of patients develop metastases over time. Innovation has advanced and new medications have emerged that improve quality of life, but they are not available to everyone.

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“They know what’s going on, but they don’t know what, mom is suffering and dad is crying, we think the children won’t know anything,” he said. Pilar Fernandez is president of the Spanish Association of Metastatic Breast Cancer and knows well how this disease affects both to the person who suffers from it and to his family. There is a process of acceptance and assumption that they cannot be cured.

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